Sunday, November 27, 2016

Dreams, Visitations, Transformations And Allegories

Do You Know Where Your Bible Is?                      

-God Has Turn His Back, 1986, Only Jesus Is Left, Day Ninety-nine, 11/27 of the "week," prophecy 08/18, a week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25, the countdown to resurrection (ain't no sunshine when she's (The Righteous Bride, even the Church Bride that was America, gone, see here,, Apb) and Daniel's week, see Dan. 9:27, see also,

Righteously Dividing The Enemy                                       

     -Seen to be seeing a white, round, sales tag bearing the number 30, as in thirty days from November 19th, meaning December 20th, there's something about the electoral college vote, see here,
    -Seen to be seeing the word TREASURES all black and blasted, 11/17/2016, something that couldn't happen if they were as Jesus suggested, stored away in heaven, upon you bearing His Cross.
    -Seen to be seeing the words War and the number 3, now laying as on it's back, 11/17/2016, possibly represent failed forewarnings as Americans per the election, return to their deaf stage, a siege is come, US soil, regardless.

Do Be Alarmed Men Islam Is Come As Of Predicting A Hussein/Jesus Millennium 2003

     -What God/Jesus/Bride want you know, default or not, US dollar going to collapse,
What Satan/Mystery America/Apostate Church, need you to believe, Stunning! Dow hits new high of 19,000 as Trump rally continues,

Dreams, Visitations And Allegories                      

    -Swing Low, Sweet Chariot are the lyrics to a song I begin singing while in the park with park with my grands lately, it's new to me, so I know, it's a reassuring word from the Holy Spirit, see, hear more here,,GOH, (Beware, I, Apb, saw a giant enough to blank and block out the sky Crystal diamond, dove as this coming to the rescue divine catching away.

Strip Americans! Antichrist To Kill Those Now Broke, Kill All Parents By, Come Christ's Millennium

      -I heard a financial analyst, Trump supporter refer to it all as fake money, said it's been coming since the seventies, but he's given us, these questionable markets as just before the last the beginning last millennia, said that actually bank derivatives and a devastated bonds market has sunk the US dollar tail spinning the world financial markets along disastrous territories. Hence you all explaining how months before this election, I heard a voice lament and I quote, "I have a bear, (Bear, Stock Market), in 120 countries.                                                                                                                      
     -There was something else he said, which will explain why the entire country of hundreds of millions was shown to be in a slow motion exodus, as so bearing business cards for better homeless shelters. How Americans know this financial disaster is happening, that it's been happenings for decades now, hence the Trump win. Though most would rather die than admit it, that it's watching a storm, its most black, deadly and at times most lethal, yet, they labor and plan their so obvious American Nightmares all around it instead of a much needed, ESCAPE!
     Insert, Alert, Earlier Post: Meaning lately, the two beast I witness rise, 2008, one from land, one from sea, right into debates of Hussein filling stations, (Arab Oil, The World's Achilles Heel), and just an outbreak of emergencies. There was cried only a month or so past of there being a bear market  in 120 countries, possibly the single one I witness the year 2014, tearing through the pulpits, emptying the pews and threatening to finish, greatly visited churches.
     -Even so, and still years before, 2005, an alike beast ravaging and chomping at people as they sat their peace getting porches, no peace and safety). Cleverly, the only way Americans, even mankind can righteously, politically and naturally come together and have the God of Heaven Bless it, is the alter of blood reconciliation, Jesus, whereas only a broken heart, a broken and contrite spirit are acceptable sacrifices, all things else hath sin, sin hath death, sin-death is hell, Apb, see Ps. 51, Mat 5:21-23. End Insert
     -Though regardless of this epidemic of normalcy bias, in a couple weeks more or less it's over, stock crashes, credit cancelled, bank/ATM runs, violent street protest and dissension into total pandemonium, to complete anarchy even for longest on it's way, that design seizure long overdue and Trump, America's Cinderella President, magic hands and so on, though he again support him, there'll be nothing he could do, as there is a stark difference between running a multi billion company than a going broke world currency, even his wealth is rooted and grounded into ("behold I will strip their leaders and leave them as in the day of their birth", 1993).
     -Trump's win is kinda like Jesus parable of the young rich man being distracted by the building of better storehouses, (A Better America), only now opening his eyes in hell, surely as a Trump White House,  the rich man is given another chance.  Well, the last or so paragraph, the Cinderella thing, I kinda said that, so got him, got the Trump of God, Jesus yet? Just remember God will always see to it, a rich man and his money, hence the American Dream is soon parted. Thus the forewarning of Psalm 37, crying loud to the righteous, fret not thy, they shall soon be cut down as the grass and wither as the green herb, let all flesh, wicked wealth, be pound into dust, this repentant.   
     -I was awaken this morning by he roaring sound of trains, their loud, loud horns, I don't know if I've told you, although it's like a thousand times louder, ear piercing, even the waking of the dead, yeah that loud, still in a blessed, heart soothing, imaginative way, I also relate these blaring aloud of local transit to the soon to be sounded Trump of God, just all of sudden, out of no where but heaven.
     -This one trumpet I more than witness being past off to the Angel Gabriel a few years ago, how at it's last deafening call, summoning the Righteous Bride home, beware, your redeemer is here. He, Himself, watch and wait a specific nano second then when and while the whole world is at it's most distracted. Like the being possessed heart, soul and even crippled in ones blood to going on to be declared temporarily insane of awaiting the US Presidential elections. Which is why just the other night I heard a voice say, twenty-five, when it was exactly five days past the thirty day countdown of November 19, 2016.
     -That blessed awareness shared in my prophecy links just above, you see one month past this date marks what is called the Electoral College Vote, which experts say, really decides election 2016. So America, many specialist as Michael Synder has said, isn't off of it's balancing ropes just yet, don't be deceived by any of them, saw these perilous cat walks as alternate parallels to God, crash to the earth this mammoth slaying of entire families. So Trump/Clinton win is as much a Truexit/Hilexit, as PM Cameron's resignation is a Brexit, see Michael's article here,  Now in the words of Jesus, the only Worthy, the only Good Shepherd, Blessed Death, repent or perish, this heaven and earth passes away, God's Kingdom Reign is as surely as today, awake, Apb, The RAM, see also,

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Casiphia Man of Mystery

THE UNENDING LOVE ANTEDOTE ...The African Juttah 2012

  And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring Regan Central Whitehead 

Starring: Casiphia Bernice Romanoff and Shushan Artelon, Aleth  Roslyn  Romanoff and Lambson Kreston Bethel Romanoff and Kishon, Gimel Mikeal Romanoff and Kresser Adonai 
Spainete, Daleth Samiel Romanoff and Bristol Reese Boswer  

 The African Juttah Infinite Genealogy

Unto Casiphia Bernice Romanoff and Shus’Shan Artelon was born their first daughter Kenai Robyn Romanoff, a daughter still Maxis Me’lane Romanoff and a son Caspian Berlin Artelon        
Unto Lamson Ahapel Messer and Aleth Roslyn Romanoff

Unto Kishon Heiress Riccole and Kreston Bethel Romanoff

Unto Gimel Mikeal Romanoff Kresser Adonai Spainette

Unto Daleth Samiel Romanoff and Bristol Reese Boswer

                                  You Just entered the Septennial…2001-2017
                                                         The Paris Globe
And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast:

And The Books Where Open                                           
     Seen to be seeing, demonstrated upon by a manner of divine census taking, that regarding the great gathering of saints, a night, a visit upon whose to be in that number  01/29/2016

     Ken Peters describes hearing a loud noise, like a old car horn but extremely loud, first thing, before anything else. This make sense, as none of end time prophecy can be completely fulfilled until the righteous dead, and living are taken out of here. I’ve heard this noise, it was so loud, I thought I would be deaf, it’s loud enough to wake the dead, it’s make sense, that is as loud as it’s supposed to be. He’s explaining, what Holy Spirit are showing him, of what Holy Spirit told us by  the Apostl Paul I Corinthians 15th chapter, the risen saints now putting on glorified bodies.
     -Although he ha no memory of what happen next, after the very specific dead quaked out of their grave, fully, I saw what happen next, one ready they all shot like fire rockets into the heavens, and once there, a cloud took them in, and grew fatter and bigger very time it did.  Momentarily we stayed there in heavens and could see all coming disasters suddenly permeating the earth, I’m talking cataclysmic events that couldn’t wait, that as the bride was taken up and out master disasters to nuclear bombs immediately when on the attack.     
     -So my grandson Caden six, come for me, 02/23/2016, say there's something in his moms room I need to see, I go, I look all round and I'm like what? He simply point toward the Television and there is a report about Syria and this potential cease fire and soon he leave out. Like here, the Syrian Army, although they're to agree to a ceasefire they're saying they're to target whatever terrorist they like, whatever terrorist installations. I know it’s like the white horse, a bow but no arrow, trying to bring about peace with wars and rumors still. I know you wonder how did a six year old know this, well not to take from divine intervention, as it’s because all his life, he's been anointed upon and kept aware of such things, by his Apostle of Christ, grandmother.   
     -I start laughing, I'm like where did Syria get that kind of power? I'm laughing because I know, this is God, it’s God proving He alone is God. It's Bush and company executing Saddam Hussein and God placing one in the White House for a total of two weeks and seven years, now expired. It's even Obama in mad company executing Col. Gaddafi. It’s what I said in the beginning, time I witness Russia allying Syria, I said this is for the purpose of bringing about the false peace regarding the seventieth year of Daniel. Meaningfully, the end of mankind solving their problems casting holocaust after holocaust; all with Saudi Arabia and Russia threating nuclear war.
     -As so, a threat of an Asian invasion on US soil, all again for the purpose of the fulfillment of end time bible prophecy, mighty with concern, there’s something, North Korea’s recent launch. I can’t shake how doing one of a my recent dreams 2015, my now ascended spouse warning me about alien type threats arriving from heaven. These speeding with impending cataclysms events is again what, or even why the Angel Gabriel discussed with me, 2004, all with a seventh angel judgment, it’s crying aloud, “the Kingdoms of men have become the kingdoms of God and His Christ and they shall reign forever,” see Daniel, 2nd chapter. It as well explaining this very thing, to a mighty apprehensive, even threatening, King Nebuchadnezzar, thousands of years ago, deigning he stone made without hands falling from heaven.
     -Further Gabriel 2004 explaining why it is instead of another American President following Obama, I witness Christ's reign rule over all of it, just as been prophesied about it, these six thousands years since the first Adam, awake! Beware, Apb, see more here,   

Incorrigible Sin                                                         

And A Voice Like A Trumpet Crying Come Up Hither
     -The American Horror story I read recently was of a young lady witnesses say purposely plowing her car into a parade of onlookers, killing four, including a small child, and injuring over forty, with 17 yet hospitalized in critical condition. A horror story as I descried, some would say especially for the loved ones of those killed and injured, but just as much of a horror story for both this driver and her family.

    When I read comments about this event, one comment after another was about crucifying this young lady, as far as they were concern, there was to be no Christ Jesus  Cross mercy shown toward her at  all. Seemingly so much so, her charges, four of them were changed from manslaughter to those of first degree murder, surely she’s looking at either life in prison or on death roll.  

       To be clear, the Holy Spirit has been telling you all especially since the beginning of this millennium to get to the alters of Christ, meaning repentance. Let the American Night Nightmare go, it can’t do anything but like it’s true father steal, kill and destroy,  being both a thief which abide not in the truth. The alter of Christ Jesus is the only one God will allow to penetrate the standing condemnation of hell and death set against all those born lineage of the first Adam.

      Understand this as a child, you can only be reunited to God, to his manner of redemption and throne of heaven by being rebirth of heart, blood and soul of the second Adam, his shed blood for you again, it’s divine glorification. It’s scripturally sound Elohim will neither hear you, see you or have anything to do with you as long as your sins haven’t been recreated by Christ’s Jesus Cross, behold he stand at the door at of your heart, that while you’re yet in sin, He suffered through the cross and died for you.

                            …You Just Entered The African Juttah 1986-2017…
                                          Aleph, Blessings Of The Word Of God

                                                                    Scene I

     "Where Aleph, where are we going? Seeing she’s anxious to pack her, their things, bringing a sudden end to a wonderful honeymoon, "we must go! I know, I know, you keep saying that, I’m your husband now, please explain this to me. It’s Casiphia, in trouble, ok, big, big trouble, ok, I’ll play, how big? He’s been arrested Lamb, in America, attempted murder. Attempted murder, please, please tell me, I can’t ok, my mar mar called, now be the good husband, let’s just get out!  So what, who this murdered, I mean, I mean, sorry, attempted, who? I don’t know, last I spoke with, well Cast was in love, this rich girl, in love, them both, but with much concern. You know Lamb, how these father's are, that her father perhaps wouldn’t understand, just so suspicious. So we get to Rome, and from there, we off to America, Beth, Gimel, Daleth, all come with us. I know ok husband Lamb," a gentle caress of his weary face, seeing how displeased he’s to appear, not liking any adventure including America, but her brother was in trouble, big trouble, and so here they go, "I know."  You know Aleph he didn’t do it. Aleph, you know he didn’t, he wouldn’t hurt this fly, this flea, let alone his girl, there is as you say, some fishy here."     <<<Mar Mar, Da, may I come in? Of Course dear, of course, you all packed, ready to go, we are, as soon as Aleph get here, don’t worry, this not as it seem we know, right, right? Yes, true, we know, it’s just I feel so sorry for him, he really felled in love. Then we pray, it all work out for his better, better for Casiphia, and this girl, even his wife, that she may have a miraculous recovery. Yes, I hadn’t thought of that, we do believe in miracles, that Elohim can fix this, is fixing this Mar, Mar, perhaps even by the time we arrive there. Da, what got you so mesmerized, this, come and see, as to peer from a window, the three floor of the house, and just ahead a mountain peak filled and capped with snow, only you couldn’t tell, where the snow began and the sky parted, quite as he said fascinating. "One thing Daleth about loving God, you take on an adoration for nature indescribable, I will deliver Casiphia back to you safely, all Da, according to our prayers and faith, I son you will, I know, I not even worry."     >>>"I’m not to, ah, perhaps comprehend," arm by arm putting on a coat, even assisted by those he's now released to, this confused. "You cause release of the man killing the niece, a man Casiphia, as you say is believed innocent unto proven guilty, and when she’s awake, she’ll want to see  you, awake! I saw this, the gun, this bullet," as one hurriedly wiping his stinging eyes, nose, into clearing a thickening throat. “I saw her fall down no more, you saw her fall, yes, but Shushan is in a coma, pretty serious, but not dead, ok, not dead. This Casiphia is my son Spirit River, Shushan’s cousin, it is the pleasure, it is mine, the same I assure you, you must be hungry, we eat, we get right to her,  yes, please, yes, I must see her. Will you Casiphia tell us what exactly happen? I not like Shushan’s purpose to not be open with father, but I love her this much, she is in love, still not right I tell her. We marry, father find us, force us, next thing, there’s a gun discharged, Casiphia know he’s done, gone, begin to pray Emanuel, God, take me home, Shushan run upon him, there is then a tussle, and all other you know it, surely I’ll be deported, my work visa dislodged and all, not young man if we can help it. I remember, Shushan brought me here, good, yes, very good is the food, come, we have reservations. We Casiphia believe in prayer as well,” as those readying to exit, did Spirit River feel he need to say, tall, stunning like his dad, had been quiet until this very moment, “so as far as we’re concern, our hearts desire concerning all of it is won, thank you Spirit, ah River, so what is your favorite dish? Ah, I’m Italy, so, pasta, it not so bad here, not mar, mar, impossible, but not bad at all, you, you like pasta, Casiphia Romanoff was tall, tall and brilliant, model caliber, got lots of attention, well they all did, quite handsome men all of them. I like pasta yes, but I’m more seafood, salad, that’s my thing, you married, are you? Ah no, haven’t like you found that special one, there is always one, right? Ah Christian Cros, your father, so your mother? My mother passed just as my grandmother, ah, such the double tragedy, I am of course sorry, may I get you all something to drink? Striking waitress, finding the three of them quite attractive, as male models even . Sweet tea for me," kindly says the one most beautiful, slightly haired face, smooth edible caramel skin, just those accenting dark brooding eyes. As so briers, simply expert facial features, even the scent of them were exceptional, yes, Calendars models perhaps, surely she wanted one. "You guys must be models or something? I confess! Laughed an indescribable Casiphia Romanoff, twisting a singer finger in the chilled air, was she not he least bit surprise, how stunning, eye candy all. "Ah, then that explains it, a sweet tea for you, and you?" Now referring to an edible smirk on Spirit River face, the youngest of them, and just as expert, like god’s gift to women they all were. "I’ll take the lemon with a twist of lime, I’m certain you will and you sir? I’ll have the same, the lemon lime," then as pretty as they were, they dared to have accents, such a delicious insult, like having cake, ice cream and chocolate with your favorite coffee just this sanely welcome over kill, "hurriedly I fear I’m to return with your menus. So what part of Italy are you from? Ah Rome, these parishes of grapes and refineries, destined Mr. Artelon of deciding the future for Casiphia, like my greats and grands before. So you ran I assume? Ah, as fast as, though sitting incarcerated, home to Rome Italy never this good, is it true Casiphia, Italians seem to have huge families? Ah, yes, true, true, Casiphia the seventh of twelve, ah those named for the 119th psalm, you grew up in a home of 12 siblings. No, no, no, I have 12, this is not to count the cousins, the friends, it’s relentless.”

                            Blessed Are They Who Keep His Testimonies                                     

                                                      Scene II

     "Mom!" Frighten to her heart, that her Mother Tiffany Ann was just as mesmerized, consumed even, so much it was scary,  “mom my god did  you hear, me, what is it? Ah my god Kars," that with mouth gaping awe, “I didn’t know,” with eyes and cheeks slowly filling with tears did she past a greeting card, a ring box carefully to her only daughter. What is this? Apparently your father,” easing this lost a seat to a priceless bed, yet showing herself this mesmerized, she having not a clue, "ah my god, I know, I know, it’s a proposal to renew our vows. I Love you! Is what it says," as one calmly reading the card back to her,  easing along aside of her, something so stunningly beautiful as this. “Will you be mine for all time, marry me sweet wife again and again,” mom, with stinging tears passing along her face as well thinking how deeply romantic, not her mom's birthday or anniversary just her father being so overwhelming. “I got to find him,” a deep swallow along swatting new tears, the way she’d just abused him, the way she’d just refused him, again forgetting how wonderful her husband.  “I got to go find him, ok mom, we have our prom thing today,” gently but abruptly hugging her stunning moms neck, deeply inhaling her, seeing her off with the slightest hint. “My lord daughter what do I say to him? Mom, you and dad are adorably in love, just let that heart speak for yall, right? Right, you sure you’re to be ok? I’m going to grab everything and meet up with Jordon, ah, ah, ok, then here I go, Mom, what time is his flight? Thank you, I almost forgot, pray for, for us Kars, mom I always do, now go, father await you!”     >>>"I know I haven’t said much of her, I’m holding these breaths, we know, we can see that, this pasta is delicious, not the mother, not this other, but passible, what the heck was that?” Seeming to hear an explosion, feel the restaurant tremble, seem they all did,  I don’t know you too what that was, but I can tell you how that felt, it’s like being in Jerusalem and being under attack, yes, with a solemn Spirit River agreeing, hearing and feeling such interruptions wasn’t that far fetch, and yet another,  ah my god what is happening? As though to hide under the table, another jarring most of them to panicked up and out of their seats, could they now hear approaching sirens, seeming all of them. “We better go, whatever it is, we don’t want it to stop us from reaching the hospital. {{{Yes, raising his communicator just as he’s to say, turning off, away, {{{“this is Cross, what is going on? I can tell that Clint, no we’re close, like right in the meddle of, no we’re leaving Capella’s now, where is Milla? Ok, ok, I’ll call her right now, you get information about what this is about.}}} Anything? No, no more than us, just random explosions, let’s go, let’s go! There is always something, you think I should call Tristian, make certain she’s ok? No, I don’t wait a few minutes let her call you instead, ok, ok, I can see that, look there,” seeing dark to gray smoke in the west, rising into the sky, along an eerie, fear-provoking feeling of knowing what it was all about.  “You know father is it prom night, make me think T Kamb is up to something, I son thought of them as well, just didn’t want say,” backing them into building traffic, you could feel the tension in the air, everyone frighten concerning what’s it’s to be about, those having graduating teens more alarmed than any. “T Kamb, Casiphia think he heard of them, yes, I’m sure you have, localized terrorist targeting especially teen marriage worshippers, like you, like her.      <<<{{{Kars baby, please answer,” now stalled in traffic as many were, emergency vehicles were all over the place, and that making things even more eerie, radio silence, no matter she searched there was nothing about this.  {{{Ron, O thank god I got you, are any of my kids there?” Heus was here but he and Jordon left about thirty minutes ago, did you hear those loud explosions, yes, why you think I’m so panicked, it has to be T-Kamb up to something, targeting our children, you know they’re crazy.  Yeah, I’m afraid of that, well Dex and I are going after them, thank you, I’m trying to get to Nicholas, the traffic is crazy, ah I talked to Kars she was on her way there, and what’s wrong with the radio? I know, the TV as well, all blank for now, my god what is happening?     >>>Here, she’s here,” arriving at a closed hospital door, did a nervous Caisphia think he was to fight to get to her, but no, apparently it was only them, “her father isn’t here, will be later, so you go and spend some time with her, talk her back this way, I will, surely, I will. “You’re breathing,” breaking into a cry, along a calming shy of relief, just to see  her breathing, that she was alive, bruised, her face and all, this giant tube crinkling from her mouth, lots of machines beeping and creeping all about, but thanks be to the god he served, sweet Shushan wasn’t dead.  “I got here as soon as I could,” delicately taking her warm hands into his quite chilled, seeing her flinch even as he did, but eyes close shut still. The uncle is the amazing, they being brothers, there is no telling, send me for to call you back, Casiphia said he would,  he would try, I fear something bad even more is happen,” readying a thick swallow to say, unto reaching a chair, like the city is under attack, like we must get out of here!” I may as well say, Aleph, Beth, Gimel and even Daleth, they’re leaving the airport to here, so we need a miracle, that not see you like this.”    “They’re targeting the Nupital temples, I got to get out of here, I have three kids coming there, and thousands Nicholas are doing the same thing, traffic is at a grid lock, look out your window and see, ah thank God it’s Tiffany, hey baby! I been trying to reach you forever, tell me you’re all together,  ah my Christ Nicholas I wish, last I saw Kars she was on her way to Ronda’s and the boys I haven’t seen them at all. Although Heus and Jordon are together, with Dexter and Ronda gone after them, did you hear what it is, no, no, it’s T Kamb, right? Yes, as one easing into a seat this worried, trying to say the most horrid thing the best way he could, they’re targeting the Nuptial temples, meaning Tiffany hundreds of thousands of children, and something happen to them? My god Nicholas we knew we should’ve got them to Africa  long, long ago, yeah babe that hindsight, 20/20 vision, so how long before you get here! Traffic is at a standstill, do you know how many times in my head I’ve left this car and just started walking, no stay there, I’m going to walk toward you, ok, we got a deal? Yes, yes, we have a deal, just hurry this unknowing is simply crazy, just my love keep trying them.”              

                                 And Who Seek Him With Whole Hearts

                                                         Scene III                    

We had this discussion why you act as though we didn',easing concerning into his bitter brother ear, this isn't just my niece this is your daughter and you Niegl could lose her? Have you considered that Shushan could die could die. I mean we're praying but it's upnto her, which Cross is why I let you bring him here. It's the negative it's not good for her. You and I know Casiphia isn't responsible he didn't do this. I'm thing ng and doctors agree, the more he visit come in contact with him the more that's to improve her situation. The truth is Cros, I brought a gun, goons and madness to my baby's wedding, right, right that's what you're not sayin. I know you're surprised, I admit it right. Hey you guys the newsbisthe Nuptial Temple is undderattack , vrig, under attac, Tkamb, my Christ in heaven, seeing horrible fires, and many injured, children, couldn't help thinking Shushan being in the hospital wasn't so bad. This is happening at all the temples? Yes, and I know what you're thinking  Maaseiah's children, all of them, I been trying to reach her, I'm, Maaseiah? Tiffany, Maaseiah is her birth name, ah, I see, that's beautiful, I am to the chapel, whose coming with me? I, well all of us should.      #Mom, dad, please tell tell me you have her,  we don't she left with Heus nearly an hour ago, tell you and lil D us safe, we are, this si crazy, this is a drive Tiffany say, the African Juttah the next safe have.  Well, we're praying, when its out of your hand, there is nothing else, sad tobsave we stalled in traffic after them, what you think? Myreah is with Heus, whatever they're together, your be stranded mom isn't going to help her, if you and dad can, turn around, wait at home, wait and pray or vice versa, OK son, your dad is giving a nod of approval, all is well and we'll wait to hear good news from them. While that babe I can do, seeing drivers where generous about slowing them to maneuver around them. "So Tiffanybtjink we waited too late? Thousands of kids Dex are possibly dead, we're Sia Juttah, we knew this would happen, right, right? Ah God I hate this, we supposed to be better than this, knowing, stop beating yourself up, what did Lane say, faith and prayer remember? OK, OK, swiping these miniature tears from her face, breach for tissue, for om her nose, blowing into a needful calm. We can't faint, not us, people will tonus for hope, comfort Dex, stuff like that, I need to get on the communicator for this reason, good, now that's the Corronda Bren Aggart I married.     >>>What's that, what has happen? Shan, my, you're awake, I heard you, everything you said, what is that?” Needing his help along a sitting position, seeming the worse beyond her had happen, that there were horrors all over the place, “attacks, ah, some temple, ah no, not the Nuptials,  how many, has Kars, hey, hey,” wiping thin strands behind each ear, his stunning alive wife returning to him, just as everything went wrong with the world. "Calm OK, calm, Kars warn of this, said we need to get out of the country,” drink this!” Readying her straw unto her mouth, Shushan not turning from the fear-provoking broadcast, was the cool water refreshing, yet a tingle to her nose, a dab just as so, couldn’t believe what was going on. “I’m sorry about what happen? You, you were dead Shusan, gone because of me, no, no, what we did was stunning Casiphia without description, please, as to touch his agreeing with her tender touch handsomely. “I better go and call them, yes,  …yes, as one nodding into a deep inhale to agree with him, such a stunning inside and out human being and starting her life married to him. Shushan is a awake, with everyone attention on the inconceivable breaking news, the shaking of the head, his blank stares, even the sighs, those softly, shyly wiping their eyes, really it was though no one heard,  Shushan is watching such news, you mean she’s awake!

Showing himself happy as to pat a solemn Casiphia on the back, did father Niegl silent just as quiet, Yes, yes, she is, I knew your being here, talking to her,  …Niegl, you coming? “No, as one raising the communicator to eye level to say, did he yet feel so ashamed,  “no, you and Spirit go, when you return I come,  let me call Shariah, get her here, go, go, I’m ok, go!     >>>What floor did he say, 920, the newest news on her? Ah, she’s comatose, he’s with her, praying and believing for her, so we’re here to encourage Him, right Daleth, why you single me out, we don’t know could be because you hate god so, I don’t hate God, I just don’t agree with Him on every end, yeah because you’ve made a cursive condemnation out of mankind, here 2000 years later and it’s still his fault, right? And there’s Gimel sounding in, what a surprise, hey we’re here, everybody stop  it, Casiphia need us at our best, from this moment forward we represent him, right, right, you guys? Then Gimel how is my fault? Your unbelief, all of it just crucifies Christ again aflesh, and Elohim is sick and tire of it, hey you two, I said shush it! Go ahead Aleph, you first, knock, knock, knock, easing her way into said room, did she lock eyes with a curious as they all were Spirit River, moving aside to her entry and a happy as they’d seen Casiphia running to greet and hug her,  I can’t believe you’re here,   …my Christ, you’re here, yes, not only I but Beth, Daleth, Gimel,  …Daleth is here? Yes, surprising enough yes, he sort of insisted,  I’m sorry, come over here,  you’re awake,  yes, that Aleph is the blessing, the miracle I must say,  it is Aleph nice to meet you, as to hand her warm, soft, caramel hand, more sweet than any description, the pleasure, surely as you seem out of danger seem to be all mine. Speaking of danger, ah yes, bringing his attention now a soon to exist Christian Cros and Spirit River attention,  ..this is Shushan uncle and cousin, ah just call me Cros, I am Spirit, or River, with both of them such darling men, we’re gonna go, offer our help, yes we did see emergencies all around,  pray, tell, what has happen? We lovely sister dare not say, but an attack on your nuptials looking to marry, ah, what did you say? I know,  ..and we Casiphia must go, …yes, thank you tremendously, I couldn’t be here without you  …I will send the others in…thanks again, you and your son are most kind.

                                             …They Do No Iniquity…

                                                        Scene IV

      Mom, Dad! Ah my Christ you’re safe, as those running and stumbling into one the others  arms, one of Tiffany’s and Nicholas son, yet having Myreah Stuart in toll, they cried, laugh and celebrate so, what about  your bother? Agurus, Chelsea are both safe, but Kars, with stunning blue eyes of his, like his dad, filling with tears, surely did  there’s as well, we haven’t been able to find, you will, we will, what were they thinking/ Able to see flames, smoke, so was there panic still, sirens ploice and ambulances, what a horror above horrors, yeah worse than what did the last, let’s spread out our efforts, do we even know she made it here, the last I spoke to her she was coming to you, to me, but why? I witness her grab her needful things, her grown and all say you and she had planned it this way, ok ,ok lets just go, we’ll meet back here in an hour, Kars or not, ok, mother, father, ok,  hey, look at me, we’re gonna find her, find her safe and ok, this is not Tiffany our children fate, right, God, not evil man will decide this for them.     >>>So we’re not going? We go yes, but I must see her first, I must apologize for misleading her and all, there is Lord Chaos everywhere, how will find her in it, I know here she is, like a light, even a sparkling diamond I can see her even in the dusty midst, so I will again meet you here. That mean Lord Preece she is safe, safe from these attempts to bring her harm yet, but not from a heart so smitten, this is why I must go to her, now be this faithful and wait.”  They are Rimmon such miraculous people,” as one wiping back siken drapes, could they see the smoke of all it, seeming a world come to end, perhaps so, for the marriage worshippers, “I think we can rely on what he’s seeing, I just wonder what’s to happen once he find her, marriage, divine o be ordain by Elohim marriage, don’t forget I Rimmon as well see, Lord Preece and Preecest of the African Juttah, they will assuredly be. This is madness, yes, all so Christ will one day reign here, here to make it all new, then the ancient of days himself will again abide with man, now say you understand, I do, I do my brother in such holy things, I do.”     >>>>>”And I’m saying Daleph it’s like you have a choice, I’m not talking about against your will, only that there is a design way to worship Him, it always has been, and anything else, anything, you won’t be allowed in heaven, my, my my, listen to our bother Casiphia, where you learn so much? Isn’t that Romanizing Jesus, what you think intercourse is, the only way a man and woman are made one, married is when they sexually intercourse, it is  man’s perversions that has literally ruin it, and still, l, we’re not the ones Daleph calling it a marriage supper, calling her the bride, Holy Spirits always have, even when the husband is directed to love his wife as Jesus loved the church and gave himself for it, unto intimate things right out of Songs of Solomon, which is why such intimate things shouldn’t be performed outside of marriage, corrupting and frustrating the temple of God, not romanticizing marriage, perhaps that’s why divorce is through the roof of it, you guys what is so surreal to me about all it, especially a law, student, an apprentice to divorce courts and all, how ridiculously happy these people are unto marriage, and how just as ridiculously mad and evil, even violent these identical people are doing the divorce of this marriage they were once so positive about, why is that? It’s really, really scary, I believe sister, it’s for the same reason Jesus forewarn all those coming after him, to deny self,  I’m sorry I don’t get, remember what King Solomon said about love, it’s comparison to death, meaning, meaning Gimel, self sacrificial, loosing this, or never having it, there is no way you can continue a marriage, you must be wiling to die to have, to maintain and to keep it, surely now Gimel, you’re talking a miracle, which Daleph is why He gave us Jesus, I’m telling you get this.  “Thank you guys for this, the talk, food,” pleased as one pulling a cloth napkin free from his neck, grooming himself back, thinking it was time to get back, “it was most delicious, but I think I’ll be getting back to Shushan, yeah well we do need to check into our rooms, so you guy are staying? A few days here and there, it’s not every day you arrive in America, in its Yoke City, I can’t wait to see more of it, ah Cas, and your modeling center, it’s not my modeling center, but I get what you mean, just go, do as you must, don’t get lost doing it and meet me back here in a few hours, and I’ll take you there, perfect, just perfect. Don’t you guys think we should pray, I mean the Marriage Worshippers are under attack, surely we haven’t forgot, no Gimel, we haven’t so let’s hold hand and as you say, pray, I have oil in my purse, we can anoint one another as well, so Cas will you do us this honor?

A Prayer, Apb

     Dear Lord, you have given us the miracle, returning my Bride back to us, truly bless her father forgiven for this, may he find Jesus. Right as we pray, the marriage worshippers are under attack, surely this has always been the way of the rebellious, and these end times persecution will grow worse, we call on your rescue, that you promise us, if we ask you Lord, you would deliver us, thank you, sweet, sweet Jesus.

     “Agurus, grabbing his brother into yet another gracious hug, as he’d done the earlier when he found him, “I been looking for you everywhere, you yet haven’t found, no, nothing, mom and dad are here, dad? I thought he’d left for France, wondering how fast could he get back here. I’m glad Chelsea you’re safe, we were held up, some last minutes shopping, yeah, we as well, I guess we know why, what a mad night, even house. Mother said the last she spoke with Kars, she’d readied everything and was going to the Stuarts to dress, to my place, I told your mother I knew nothing of it, so her disappearance could be planned? What about Edwin, anybody seen him, the one she was to wed? I doubt if she was to go through with it, Kars heart was lost already to this Preece Ebonee Be’le, remember? Heus, you think, he’s returning to Africa, to Ethiopia as we speak, go see if you can reach him, I’ll find Edwin, that’s if after this he is still among the living.” >>>{{{Hundred’s, perhaps even thousand could be dead, as every Nupital Temple has been targeted, there just no way to now right now,  officials have yet to put out their fires. It is suspected a home grown terrorist group has done this, TKamp, TO KILL A MOCKING BIRD, though that has yet to be confirmed as well, one thing we do know, hundreds of young people are injured and filling up local hospitals with over fifty confirmed casualties. I am not a parent, have never a lost one, so I can’t, even won’t say I  know this feel, but my heart is broken over this, and by that horror I’m so smitten within.,”  This is KeKe Askew, your minute to minute up date}}} >>>   You remember that dream Kars told us about, I don’t know three years ago, yes, though she told of many, you’re talking about the one where she saw graduating tassels being used as toe tags for the dead, I believe Heus my brother, this so well describes that. So what you think?” Holding a tingling nose ready to spill, a tight grip of Chelsea Shiban’s hand, a swipe at cheeks being poured upon, where they to realize their sister was in these burnt buildings, gone? “You think Kars is in there? No, no Aggie I don’t, what? “You just called me Aggie, sound like her, I know it just came out, let’s take it as reassurance, that hour of research mom send us on is up, you go, tell her what you need to tell her, I have one more place to look, like an Edwin Millen hide out, if he’s Tkamb, it won’t be safe, I’ll be alright, just tell mom what you think is going on, and what pray, tell Agurus is that? You wise one will think of something, you always does, most of our friends are dead aren’t they? Meaning my love, despite how heartbreaking for us, they’re now ascended to Him, and we, not as yet, but this celebration and his heart break, this beast of beauty, my mom would say.”  

                                                  They Walk In His Ways

                                                             Scene V

     May I help you with that, falling into blue crystal eyes, highlighted by the most flawless to edible caramel skin, beautiful flawless hair and a smile where he could forever live. “Sure if you don’t mine, having my hands so full with this, while don’t you fret stunning lady Daleth is to the rescue, and your name, or do angel on assignment have them, everyone just calls me Ella, ah, I get it, with such a stunning dress, no doubt you’re on you wall to the ball, I’m afraid it been Daleth made the disaster, ah yes, your graduating class, my graduating class, unto a Juttah marriage and on to Nuptials dorms, thank you, arriving her floor, Daleth Romanoff her curious escort, please don’t tell me you’re not know the fate of one o lovely escort? To be honest I don’t, I’ll here the next few days giving myself to fasting and prayer, no doubt that is to scare me away, ok, yeah, putting in her key, unlocking the door, pushing her way in, in following her this pleased, “and it normally work, well I have a faithful family, many of them, they beieve in the christ, godo, orayer, the same as you, I take you don’t? It is not Cinder-Ella,  may I call you that?” You got the hint, I see, I you can say I haven’t made up my mind, well, I must say, today Daleth is the say of your salvation, yes, I now, because not even the nuext second, my following breath is promised, all having death, right? Thank you kind sir, as to playfully offer her hand had Daleth, born from some of the most beautifully stunning people on the planet, still had he not seen anything so wondrous, as she, as to unveil her mind, nothing as charming to had to say, even his mannerism, his accept, not since her friend, Casiphia, had she not been so intrigued. Please, as one seeing him out the door, thinking whether he’s to take her hand with him, tell me I’m to see you again, even if you don’t mean it, of, course, surely,”  thinking god have mercy on her if she does, what a wordless pearl himself, tall dark, mysterious and so miraculous, again like her friend Shushan future husband, if she’s ever out the coma, and her dangerous father forgiven. Then most assuredly Cinder Ella, I will call on you again, as you wish my Lord, but for now, I have like this assign appointment, yes, prayer and fasting unto all is well, right? Goodnight Mr? Romanoff, excuse me, did you say Romanoff,  like Rome Italy? Yes, so you recognize the accent? This can’t be coincidence, plus I don’t even believe in them, I’m afraid bedazzling one you’ve went off and lost me, Casiphia Romanoff, do you know him? Cas is one of the oldest of twelve sibling, we just left him, he off  to the hospital to sit with his darling Shushan, that is for of the reasons I pray, as well did we, but she is well, she sits, talk, eat, watch all the misery now happening to people on, she’s to back into a seat crying, overwhelmed with both unbelief and relief,   why do you cry, as kneel to , once again his hand in hers, he guess he knew what the tears where for, so you see, miracles are already being made for you. Please tell me Daleth this is not a dream, if it was you would tell me? I would, surely I would, but we’re to meet him at her room, in less than two hours so he can be our guide, wow, wow, yes, what are the chances, thank you my good man, standing as to salute him, at granting her hand, this vision beyond vision among all women. Please may I ask for your discretion, this is to be a private time between me and him if you Daleth understand, I do,  but please, if at all possible, may I see you before the return to Italy, all I can say is you can try, as so will I, again I bid you goodnight.     >>>We can’t find Kars you tell me she’s here? No, I haven’t seen since the party, since she broke it all off,  broke it off, yes, right, she did, you may you and Kars haven’t been engaged for weeks and she said nothing? I tried to see her just a night ago, talk some sense into her, assure her I wasn’t Tkamb, prayed to make her a good husband, she said to all of it, that she wanted to be faithful to her heart whatever that meant. Man,” as one wiping his spilling face with hand, along eyes set skyward going the smoke of his classmates burning,  could none of them believe any of it, such the prophecies could true, do tell me she’s lost in all of this, this madness, how  many are saying now? The death toll is over fifty with thousands missing, injured, man we had to see this coming. Not Edwin man with such clever blinders, ear muffs and muted breath, words, hearts, now unbearably unthinkably reaping it all, ah my god Kars where the hell are you? Mother said Kars told her one thing, but she did another we know, do you have any ideal beside the Nuptial Temples where she may have gone. “The last thing she said, was she would be true to her heart, what or who is her heart? You Edwin besides God? Peb, I told you that darling at first, it’s Peb, Preece Ebonee Bele, she has possibly escaped to Africa with him, I hear you, it’s just now that this is happen, she know what we must be thinking, she wouldn’t be that thoughtless, yet we know Agurus she has hidden all of this. Ok, ok, lets say for the sake of our sanity, she is with him, some kind of way knowing her, she would leave a clue, something, knowing we’re to figure this out, well we know she took her dress, perhaps that babe is the first hint, clue, thank you Edwin man, stay safe, yeah Agurus man, keep me updated she is still really precious to me, I will, I promise.   Wow what was that Daleth man, love at first sight, you saw her, what ever seen any, no , no, I haven’t but we judge by, she’s in love with your Christ, has booked into this hotel  to give herself over to fasting and prayer regarding the marriage worshippers, what! And she told you all of that, she did, ask me to be discreet, that it’s a private thing and look at me, I must admit, a creature like that make serving God a  little more interesting, if you dear brother Gimel, you know what I mean, my room? Right through their, what else did she say, before your discreetness is permanently set, to be sincere, you wouldn’t believe the coincidence of me, even us making our acquaintance with this one girl in particular, yes, unbelievably Gimel it’s like that, I’m gonna catch me a nap, Aleph, Beth? Out, some last minute personal things is all they would say, any reason to go shopping, He’Vau, said he’s to hang around the lobby, the various shops see what’s so interesting about them, you know him, has anyone called Marma, Da, giving them an update, I was at that just as you came into the door and tainted my interest with your lovely girl, Ah Gimel I wish, …but do I wish..  “{{hello Marma, as one on the communicator to home, before brother Daleth could clear the room, of his wonder, right into a flock, a bound on the bed, was whether or night he would, see, even talk to her again.  {{{“All is well here,  yes, that’s, ah, it has made the news there? No all is well, even Casiphia is free and his lady no longer sleep, yes, Marma a miracle, just as we prayed,  and all the trouble there? They’re saying so many of the young have been slain, yes, mother, much needed is prayer, evil, black people attacking marriage worshippers, looking to give all for the Christ, it all delayed our flight, this vast horror of it all. Then let me speak with him, with darling Casiphia, sure Marma, when we’re with him again, ah, your daughters  now are coming in, speak with them. Hello Marma, as one handing over begs, frown as he nosey, rosey brother fiddle through them, what is all this trouble there?” “This is America, even it’s York city, we all known how wonderful yes and how perilous, and how long will you tarry there, and tell me of our precious Caisphia? You have a new daughter and she is very charming, so that mean we won’t much longer be here, I’m sitting at the edge of the seat until I hear from him, I will mamar tell him, see you soon, here’s Sara.

                     You Have Commanded Me To Keep Thy Precepts Diligently

                                                            Scene VI        

     He appear to be a really loving person, why are you so hard on him? He’s a male, he’s an older male and he ran off, as to elope with my teen daughter, which part of that Sha’ree isn’t clear?  You is such a dad, well I admit he should’ve ask for her and all, but you know your daughter and,  …and your daughter know you, if you Mr. Artelon know what I mean, I do Mrs. Artelon know what you mean. I better get him home, now you said they’ll be releasing her? Yes, another day, they say, so you home tonight since her husband is here? Please don’t say that, ok, but you better get used to it, our daughter is married now, so he say, so Shan say as well, we’ll see you later, yeah, love you, love you as always.  Hey Spirit and I are going to go and see if anything can be done about this attack, check on Tiffany and her children? So you just gonna leave me with him? He doesn’t bite, plus he’ll be with Shushan most of the time, she‘s in good hands, I’ll admit you been right about him up to now, you’re a good father, just act like it, you two be careful out there, Tkamb just up their game mightily.  So, it’s Casiphia right? As one easing into a seat along side of him, was Shushan having personals attended to, didn’t want company, “what kind of name is that if you don’t mine? It is the name of a plant, a flower, I bet the ladies melt just hearing it, right? I guess, if you say so, you’re Roman, Italy, far from home, huh? I’m here on a work visa, ah, F. P. Dissusion, ah, Tiffany’s place, sorry you would know her as Mr. Saurus, ah Coogan, ah yes, really, really lovely,  I know her daughter as well, ah, Karsiann, right, right, I see the trouble, I pray they’re ok, right I must admit, if I’m to choose between two evils, I Casiphia choose this, right, at least you know she is alright, most parents don’t and that’s a double horror, Mrs. Romanoff  will see you now, thanks, I guess I got to get used to hearing that, if you please, I apologize for moving on your daughter without permission, but she insisted, still without excuse, I know, it’s ok, I’m told Casiphia I can leave you with my daughter and get home, it’s Cas, and yes, you can, then I’ll tell he so long and I’ll be heading home, yes, thank you sir for trusting me, to be honest I trust her, and she, Shan trust you, goodnight Cas. As to offer him a kind shake of his hands, was he as though a new man, but sometimes trials could do this, what to Casiphia was a blessing.     >>>What he’s saying is Kars left with intent to, to, ok, deceive us, I hate Mom, dad to use that word, but it was to make us believe one thing when it was actually another. You Heus son believe she escaped with him, with this Peb person whom you’ve known as Preece  Ebonee Be’le these last five years?  Known father as a friend, not as Kars pen pal guy, so to speak  …I can’t say she’s with him, only that her disappearance is somehow connected to him, that I do believe but I won’t know for sure until I get home, to her communicator, I see, so that should be you and your brother’s move, and we, we’re going to the hospitals, ah, visibly along a clearing of the throat, that with new tears beginning to set in those blue eyes, causing them to become emotional as well, “ah, the morgue, don’t forget dad, they also have a chapel for praying and believing, yes, thank you son, speaking of praying, as one wiping herself, sniffing toward moving them into holding hands, a circle of prayer, let’s do just that while we’re here together.      >><I thought that was  you Hud  man, so good to see a friendly,   don’t you mean a friendly face that isn’t laying across a gurney?” I can’t find Mavis, you haven’t seen her maybe, ah, no,  no I haven’t I’m sorry, ah, I came her with Ben and his girl, they’re ok? A few burns here and there, but yeah, they’re ok, did you  hear? Hear, yeah Tkamb is surrendering, they handing themselves in, count this as win, win, what, I don’t understand, they feel Hud man that they’ve done their worse, that they’re proud it and are willing to take their punishment, they really are Satanic, crazy, and we just supposed to believe that and as soon as we make ourselves comfortable, here they come with other bombings.  I don’t want to ask but have you checked the morgue for her? Yes, thanks Craft man I did, at the time she wasn’t one of them, but that was a couple hours ago you know.  This is not happening man, this is a nightmare of nightmares and by God’s mercy will we, us, wake out it and get ourselves out of this country before it to freaking late.  Just how man times Hud man have you said that to yourself? You first Craft man, impossible to count, so you wasn’t with any one? Yeah, we pulled up just as the building exploded, torn out the windows, cut Val, you know, Valery Wincers pretty good, even pierce her left eyes, and me,’ as one rolling back both sleeve, had deep, treated cuts on both arms, a few on his neck, into a the back of his scape, I’m still thanking God for reflexes man, man, if not our heads could’ve been taken clean off. Will come with me, to the morgue to check again, I must warn you, there’s rolls and rolls of the dead down there, yeah, I’ll come,” as one noting him deeply breathing to ready himself, hoping for a miracles that others didn’t get, that his girl is counted among the dead.     >>>Who is it? Ah it’s me, nosy guy,” seeing she’s to crack the door just a little, secure it with the latch, what part of this being her privacy did he not understand? I should completely ignore you, seeing you’re not even here,” I know, you have such a sorry story, I thought I would check on you, we’re to see Casiphia and his bride, you sure you won’t come? He can’t know about this, nor her, no one, remember? I know, I  know that’s what you say, that’s Daleth what I mean, please, ok, ok, just tell me you’re see me, if I come calling later, just to talk, please even as you say.  I can only say perhaps, I mean according to what you want to talk about? Him, this Jesus person and why someone as stunning as you can as crazy as this about him. You know they surrendered? It’s all over the world, news, you don’t seem at all surprised, because I’m not, all ceasefire’s until Christ return are a farce, you that without any doubt, as does the Supremes word, go check on my sister, my brother, and inform me later, I will, you, gladly, so I’ll see you later.”           

                  O That My Ways Were Directed To Keep Your Statues!                   

                                                  Scene VII         

     “I can’t tell you why, I just feel Kars is alright,” with names and faces of the missing already going up, Heus Agurus sitting the back seat of his brother’s jeep, with the majority of them being acquaintances or friends, he didn’t know whether to be sadden or impressed. So who we know for a certainty is no longer with us, “Justice for one,” striking at a  tingling nose, at clearing his throat, were stinging tears soon filling his cheek, his neck. Their friend Justice, actually Shushan’s visiting cousin, had been confirmed, but so had two others of Heus sports buddies, seeing they were all together. “Also Law and Cedric, I don’t think Agurus you knew them, please can’t we talk about something else, like what? Kars and where the hell could she be and if she’s still among the living why haven’t she tried to reached us? I guess you forgot,” now in standing traffic, caught into this beyond nightmare senario, all of them thinking, it could be worse. So many children dead or injured, to be honest, their entire graduating class, every nuptial temple hit and T-Kamb doing this evil, surrendering by the dozens, I guess Heus you forgot, that’s why we’re waving through traffic to get home, they’re surrendering, what’s that about? Its signaling babe how they’ve done their worse, so it’s not for us, but for their own vain glory, they’re sick with being proud of all of it.  “Hey,” plaiting his fingers into hers, she haven’t for a while saying a word, thinking horribly if she did, it would all come out in flooding tears. “You ok,” whispering at her swell good neck, a gentle kiss to her edible tresses, her laying a sorrowful head into his, how beyond horrid was the day still. “That spell, how horrible is that smell, am I supposed to ignore it, I’m inhaling the burning bodies of people who just a moment again was celebrating graduations and future careers and all, nall damn it Heus nall, I won’t calm down,  and then we’re wrestling with pins and needles knowing Kars could be one of them! I got to get out of this,” as one pulling at the door, springing from the car, line upon line of them, “hey, hey,” with a dramatized husband to be Heus Agurus following, soon in this arm wrestle, tussling about, don’t run from me,  hey , hey it’s me, Heus, don’t do this” just as soon reeling her in, folding her, calming, her, a sweet nudge to her dampen by tears cheek, ‘don’t do this, let’s get back to the car, why? As one roughly pulling herself free, smug from all the fire, blocked out a determined sun, with all the people sitting their cars this numb, “look at where we are, we may as well walk from here, you’re right,” seeing their streets was only a few blocks off, and the Jeep, like others, traffic stalled, he and Aslan Myreah could make a walk for it. “Look we’re gonna walk, she’s alright? No Agurus, no better than we are, not better for a while, Chels you wanted walk, or, no I’ll stay with, see us home safely, sound good, you sooner I get there, the better to know about Kars.      >>>So who is this girl? I told you she said her name is Cinderella, won’t tell me nothing else, ah, she’s on a mission of fasting and praying, I’m not supposed to say, ah and get this, Casiphia and his wife Shushan are her friends, the girl who prays for miracles then, that’s Daleth is so unlike you, yeah Gimel she sound more your type, only I found her first, more, more, I want more pancakes, will you stop acting like we’re out of towners, but we Aleph, we are, I know that, just don’t be don’t be so dang obvious.” So you guys with Cast being find, speaking of home, when are we going, what is syrup is that you’re having? Home you guys, Italy, when? Is that what Marmar asked,  Dat, no, well yes, kind of I guess, I just don’t want to be here, especially with all these explosions going on, well don’t Beth be so stirred, men like fish are snared in a net when they lest suspect it, you have no control over it, so just relax, we join our brother a couple of times and then we go, speaking of our brother, what are the chances we can persuade him home, at least until this all blow over, you mean with or without his newly wedded, come on Daleth, that’s trick question, well, I did hear him say, they yet have a honey to put away, they could spend it in Spain, meet the family,   and since Beth it’s your ideal you can present it to him, where on earth are you going? I’m going to see if she will see me, this Cinderella dreaming I guess, I thought she told you it was a solitary matter, she did, as one easing cautiously again into his seat, although it wasn’t his thing, did the coffee smell simply delicious.  I know, I know, but I can’t shake this girl, this mysterious beauty and all, I’ll go, knock a couple of time, and if no answer I was force it,” we’re leaving to meet Casiphia at noon, please Daleth, don’t have us looking for you, I won’t I promise.    >>>”Kars,”  if you’re here, please answer me! Kars! Staying at the end of stairs, removing his jacket, along a glance at a curious as himself Aslan Myreah , I’ll look around down here, the balcony, well if you find her, kick her, slap her, and then call me, you’re talking Kars, I’ll just call you.” Kars, tell me you’re in here,” easing her door open, everything in place, from her bedroom, to her parlor, to her bathroom, all vacant, …”Heus,” Kars is that you? Stopping his heart along panic breaths, as to hear a whisper, soon spinning him up, out, throwing the doors open of her walk in closet, seeing nothing. “So you checked her communicator, what is it? I could have sworn she called me from in here, I’ll get us something to drink, a snack, thanks, hey pretty lady, thank you for being here, where else Heus would I be, you’re everything to me, now go, find my friend, find your sister, she know you, she know you’re looking, right, striking a leaking cheek just right, you’re right,” boy was  this he and B. Karisann’s fight, his sneaking into her room, curious about what she’s doing.  You alright?” Having arrive Heus Agurus curious attention of just standing their staring at Kars communicator, this devastated at frightening her. “No Ash, I think I’m more afraid than I’ve ever been of possibly what I won’t be able to find, we are all frighten, but perfect love casteth out fear, remember? So we can’t let it stop us from trying, here,” as one now staging a healthy tray his way, snacks and other neat things to drink,” ok, ok, you’re right, as one easing into her desk chair, this floral, enchanting scent of her all around, as to pause into this proposed get ready, set and go. “I’ll leave you alone, make a few calls, see what’s talk your brother so long, thanks, I thought they would be here by now, my god jkars what are you doing? Did leave with him and not tell us, I haven’t told them but I saw you, I saw you with him, take the vows and everything,  and I ran, I  got away from here as fast as I can.”     >>>”Whose there?” Who else? If you’re Cinderella then I’m the Prince, or so I wish, “hey,” peeking those stunning green eyes out at him, this lash on the door still, barely to see her face, truly more than he was expecting. “I presume you’re yet on your special mission, I am, so you don’t want company, it’s not that I don’t want company, only that it’s to interfere.  Then, can I ask you just one thing, how long have you believed, and what make you so sure? First that’s three questions and second I’ve believed since I could hear and understand, understand? Siding along the wall, at the door into a seat, satisfied that he’s just get to get a glimpse of her, soon offering a bite of his snack, her decline, just as he remember her fast.  Isn’t that the hardest part, how do you understand God? “More questions I hear,” having come to the floor on her side of the door, Daleth as usual was showing himself quite the challenge. “Some people Daleth simply choose not to believe, once they do, there’s nothing a believer can say to persuade them. Well I come from a family of believers, and I think, and I admit this, I think I’ve always taken that for granted, to be honest Daleth I understand that, but don’t you won’t your own personal relationship with Him? So how are my friends? There you are! heighten hearted at tussling into a stand, hearing her door close behind him, was a severely alarmed brother Gimel speeding toward him, Casiphia called, he’s in tears, tears, what’s happen? It would seem, she slipped into a coma again, what you, is that possible? That’s what I asked, the doctors said it could’ve been a negative reaction to one of her medicines, they getting her to the lab, lab? Ah, those machines, you mean the brain scan, ah, mammogram or something, why where you sitting on the floor just now? Long story, come on, I’ll tell you on the way, that Cinderella person again right? Most intriguing I assure, locked away for fasting and prayer, though it seem like one got away, well Daleth, sometimes like oil and water, I don’t think they mix, miracles and meds, but I’ll leave it as this enigma for now.               

Yeah, said he pushed Shawn out just in time but instead got crushed by burning debree, it’s just so not real. I mean most of the dead where couples, meaning you guys if one is dead the other is either dead or critically injured, what kept you guys out? Safe? Well Hud called us and gave us a heads up and then we witness the explosion at the Temple Melech. Speaking of Hud, where is he? I saw Hud but thirty minutes or so ago, he took off that way, and was stopped by police officers, there was so much going on I got distracted from there, I hope he didn’t get hurt. I mean we were on the phone with Hud and Chris when the Rinnah temple went up, by the way whose gonna tell Chelsea, you know, how Kars is missing? You know they were like sisters, nobody, I don't think we should really discuss whose dead or missing, not until it's final, for all we know Kars could be home, yeah, yeah you're right. Look Coven man we’re trying to talk mom home, like Heus say, for all we know Kars could be there, why don't you grab Myreah and you two come to the house later, I'll do that, I'll get Carrie and Mirah and do exactly that".    

…Then I Shall Not Be Ashamed, When I Have Respect, To All Your Commandments                                           

                                                        Scene VIII      

{{{This is K eke Askew reporting, we just left a devastated Temple Melech, that it’s same scene at all nuptial temples, as you see behind me, the Rinnah temple is yet smothering. Although and I say this with the greatest respect, they’ve cleared out both the living and the dead, so if you look here to my right, a candlelight vigil is forming, pictures and special trinkets and flowers are coming in and going up. The question being asked here isn’t why, but how, how can anyone, especially the young be this cruel. This malicious and ferocious toward their own brothers and sisters classmates, if you heard, T-Kamb by the hundreds are surrendering you heard right. Though is that a good thing or is it, is it just a trick, that as soon as we put our guards down, they’re to design an additional strike, hurt us horribly and terrifyingly as this all over again? This is the question I presented to a past guess, Mr. Dillane Stuart, what you think Dillane, can we trust T-Kamb’s surrender? Probably not, but right now it’s all we got,” causing an easing into a seat to view this Aslan Myreah to smile, it was her teen model big brother, always so smart, always so wise. “So we can we count it as a miracle for now, so Dillane what is their surrender truly about? Not us, not us at all, just this too great to imagine move, to keep us guessing, to keep us afraid, so aren’t you saying it can’t be trusted, no what I’m saying, that’s asking, is whether T-kamb is surrendering or evolving? And if Miss Askew they’re evolving what is the next phrase or face of sleeping with our enemy, despite decades of forewarnings? I have to ask you, about the book your mom Corronda Sturat wrote, co-authored by her best friend, co-worker, my godmother, yes, Tiffany Saurus Coogan, and I quote the title, “Escaping America With Your Children,” is this what they were trying to tell us? They didn’t Miss Askew try to tell us anything, for years now we were forewarn that especially the children were in trouble, no doubt now those forewarning, falling on deaf ears will be counted as her, as them not doing enough,  no doubt like their good being called evil, thank you Dillane for your insight as usual, this is Keke askew signing off for night, be blessed.”      >>>”I see you guys finally made it, so, anything? I saw Kars, what you mean you, no, not just now, earlier, ah, I came to get my jacket, ah, my tux-e-do and she was here, here? Yes Agurus, here!” As one showing himself really agitated, as agitated as one being wrongly or falsely accused, even made guilty, nervous, “and, and she wasn’t alone. What you mean she wasn’t, I mean she, who, who Heus who was with her, you mean Edwin was, you know you’re killing us, he, ah, Preece Ebonee was here. Preece Ebonee was here with Kars? What are you talking, I saw them take the vows, upstairs, her bedroom, I heard them, they said the Juttah vows one to the other. What the hell are you telling us? You’re not making sense, what vow, what Juttah, you’re, you’re saying they’re married? Something like that yes, something like and you’re just now telling us, why?  Because I felt guilty ok,” as one blinking stinging tears into roughly swabbing his nose, his sore with regret face alone his getting partly away, yet this blameworthy. “I shouldn’t have been there, I shouldn’t have seen any of it, so I ran, I ran, I got out as fast as I could, then Heus she’s with him? I don’t know, I guess, what you mean you guess? You said they said the vows, even I Heus know anything like that is as sacred to ah, ah Preece Ebonee, even to Kars as God Himself, right? Whose, whose at the door? Ok Aggie how, don’t call me that, no one but Kars call me that,” having a piercing look out of a stiff, sword, quite menacing finger cast at him, “ok, ok, I’m sorry, it just slipped out ok. I’m just saying, mom dreams, how do you explain them, Kars trying to go into the light and mom acting like a type of ghost whisperer of prevention? You and I Heus know, the light can as well be interpreted as life, ah clarity, revelation, all of the above, that Kars is even furthering the playing field so to speak, which is how you saw her.  I didn’t ok, I didn’t see them, merge, ah, ah, intercourse Heus, is that the word you’re seeking? Stop it! As to angrily cover his ears with prevention, not wanting to hear, or even imagine, that inevitable, he knew to be factual. “I can’t hear that, see that, not just yet, so who’s like going to tell mom and dad? Tell them what Hesus? Kars is still missing, we yet don’t know where she is, mom said last she talked to her, she had her things going to join Ash, which we know now Agurus, was a subterfuge, right? I did find something curious on her communicator, but it’s not anything I can tell you, I have to show you, ok, I’m right behind you. I’m going to go,” as one cutting them off, a stunningly, compassionate Ashley Myreh was to make her departing, get back home. “That’s mom and dad at the door, what you mean you’re going to go? We’re, you’re, we never married Heus, we never made it to the temple, you said just now you would never leave me, I’m not leaving you, it’s just that we never, you can still stay here, sleep in Kars room, the guess rooms. I don’t want you to leave, stay, please, Chelsea is staying, right? “I’m staying, see, Chels is staying, ok, I need you here, I’ll be right back, Agurus, let me show you what I was talking about. Kars, What the hell!” Angrily spinning up, off, a peep out the window, indefinitely was Ashley Myreh parents willing and waiting, “is all I’m going to say, yeah did you hear Heus? They could be married, married and in Africa, I heard, just like her, running her brothers, her family crazy with it! Yeah Chelsea but I don’t think there’s any mal intent, you wouldn’t, she’s your buddy, your sister to be, yours too, right? Maybe just as Heus saw her, them, they just as well saw him, knowing he know and left until she, or they could explain it, I guess we’ll see huh!      <<<”Zaburi Omba CXIX, as one carefully, curiously reading and pronouncing what twin brother Heus is showing him, “I think it’s Swahili and if I’m not mistaken, it mean psalms, pray, or pray psalms 119, and that she left it for me. But not Agurus, our definition of prayer, this going on our knees or bowing the head for a few minutes, but as to be self-sacrificial. Kind of like what Preece Ebonee is to endure for the trials of it, that he could be fatally injured or killed, you mean the offering of oneself to an appointed time of fasting and lamentation? Yes, that Agurus would explain Mom seeing her in this light, with Holy Spirits surely visiting her, doing this mighty sacrifice. So you believe she left this as a clue? Which also mean just as you saw her, yes, she saw me, our little sister is become Preecest Juttah of New Africa Ethiopia, ok, I can see you persuading mom.  Though dad, power attorney, no, no, way, that is why we should wait until their little investigation fails, it’s to be all of our test, agreed,” as one stretching his pale palm into Agurus’s caramel grip, this pleasant sake into agreement, no doubt this falling out among saboteurs just as soon. “Agreed, but only just for now, look, you better be right about this, I am, it make sense, for a certainty, I am right about all of it, yes Heus, you and your nosing around, seem to have paid off.”     

                           I Will Praise You With Uprightness Of Heart

                                                         Scene XI

     That is Mr. Artelon what I am telling you, there is no medical reason why your daughter went again into a coma, it is as miraculous as she regaining consciousness. So you’re saying I need to call in a professional, if you Mr. Artelon can waste a fortunate on someone telling you exactly what I am telling you, that her condition may as well be an act of God, as all the examines and graphs in the world isn’t going to change this, we keep her comfortable and as impossible as it is, we wait  “and we pray,” deeply lamented the tall, dark, astonishing sorely concern after his wife, Casiphia, playing in her straight, dark, as still as herself strands, “so you all know where to find me.  “We got here as soon as we could,” walking out into a sudden greeting and group hug of his loving siblings, having them there did bring a form of comfort and reassurance.  “So what is happening to her? We were just with the physician and he’s to say there’s nothing there to explain this, how curious it all is, so its’ back to prayer, to convincing her to please come back to me, I’ll come with you, hey” as one tapping his time piece to remind concern Aleph about her fiancée Lamson soon arrival, “don’t forget about Lam,  gosh, thanks for the reminder, you coming, yes, sure, we’ll be in the chapel, hey by the way you know anyone named Cinderella? Cinder, are you kidding, I’m not, model caliber, eyes to for, in, totally caramel, edible skin, just beyond stunning, inside and out right? Yes, so  you know her, not if her name is Cinderella, so what is her name? You first Daleth, what make you think I know her? Well, she kidda mention you, and Shus’shan, said I remind her of you, myy accent and all, so, so what is her name? If I’m not mistaken you’re describing Karsiann Coogan, Shus’shan call her Kars for short, she’s one of the most, most, how is it said, ah, astonishing, yes, so who did you meet her? I think Cast I’ve already said too much, she’s on a personal mission of prayer, where? There, the hotel, and you meet her? I helped her off of the elevator and we’ve been talking since, so she know about this, she know about everything! Good that means she’s praying as well, I may want you to take me to her, no, I can’t she made me promise I wouldn’t say anything, but I couldn’t help myself, so is she taken? There was some confusion about a fellow of hers, making ready to kneel, Gimel with him, to of the most faithful of Romanoff household, other than their parents, “more than one, both were question marks, that how Shan would say it, ah, you gonna pray with us? I’ll kneel and listen and say amen, that my brother is better than nothing,  …our father which art in heaven…     >>>”I can’t believe you’re actually here, Heiress, is that, ah my god, yes it me, what a surprise, hearing the shiver in her voice, at granting her the most dissolving kiss, like the greeting of the century, Kishon Heiress Riccole, Heir for short, was Beth’s for a couple years intended,  how did you do this? Afford this? Just don’t you worry, I got here, Lam said he is to come, and so I am to come also, wow, what a surprise, we are famish ladies and thirsty, and we  know just the place.  So it is true, Casiphia the married? Yes, both stunning and sad, she slipped back into the darkness, I’m so sorry, the darkness? The coma, ah forgive me for that,  Lamson Olivet Jewel, Aleth soon to be wedded, tall, stunning and gravely kissable, spinning most of their time together, truly had she missed him. This is why the Romanoff’s are here, the York of America, we must believe this supreme will pull her through, still, what is it about the temples being under attack, yes, there is such the cup of trembling, the perpetrators have surrendered, but not before they cause so much, hurt, pain and horror. I don’t know how you guys knew, caressing this smooch and kiss to his his formable arm, along a gracious head to his shoulder, her sister and bow sitting right across from the,  it just felt such the release of pressure, that they could even breath again. “It so great to having you both here, this is what we thought, even what we hoped, or we would be without excuse, you need no excuse for coming after me, it’s only been a few days and so miss you. So we eat and go and see Cast, and go out for the night, is that alright? Well until the curfew, they’re locking down the city every night, for security and for a type of memorial for the juried and the lost. Italy as well have its problem, you talking the migrants, yes, that and being ever on alert for terror, you know, it’s like the whole earth is as you say Aleph, a cup of trembling, bumbling idiots, just remember Lam, they can’t help it, we’ve entered the point of One return, Christ Jesus, what does Gimel now call, him, ah, the trump of salvation. What is it? Have you guys read the oracle lately, the Paris Globe, there’s something about the recent US Leader, and the proposed Clinton leadership again to come, a paper route and the nearing election into a through the heavens death toll, with it all lining up so perfectly right now, you mean Aleth, worse the death toll climbing right now with this recent bombing? May we please talk of something else, how about setting dates, setting dates, I don’t understand, well for marriage, what if we all return married, what’s to stop us? Nothing to stop us, but marmar and the other Beth would kill us, they can’t plan and prod our weddings, I don’t care about that, with all that’s happen, what do you guys think? I don’t, whatever you decide, and you Lam, what? Ah, I say, why not? We’ve been engaged for the longest time, keep the loved ones guessing, having no thought for the morrow, I love it, see Aleph, they love it, ok, ok, we’ll look into it, good, this is really comfortable, as one yarning, stretching at oozing and closing his eyes, finding soon to be wed Beth feel good, smell good shoulders, rather late she thought, they were only a couple minutes from said destination. ‘I’ve been studying those vows, those vows?” Those of the proposed Juttah, and what pray tell, sister Beth do you know about them? Everything sister Aleph there is to know, at least for now. What do you think lam, I’m, I went off some place, the Juttah vows, heard of them? Ah, no, to say I have not, no, well I guess Aleph we’ll soon see. >>>     

I told you guys calling the American holocaust maker by any certain name, or administration is just ridiculous, when God's word says and without shedding of blood is no remission, it's like the millions dead by Hitler, that's before and beyond, yes, like insurmountable death tolls pending American soil, has been the foundation, the schematic and the mortar of all earthbound construction, now called upon repeatedly unto repentance  on to


                       When I Have Learn Your Righteous Judgment

                                                    Scene XII

So what you are doing is like entering into his trials with him? It’s my agreement, and using whatever grace, and mercy allowed me to be turn upon him, at least Daleth that is my prayer, as so I pray for Shus’shan, even for Casiphia. To ought to see how people feel seeing me sitting in the hall talking to a door, I keep expecting them to report and it’s to stop, well I must go anyway, it’s time? Yes, well can’t I wait right here? I think I’m going to make it a night, but it’s yet so early, please, there is nothing else I swear, ok, ok just give me thirty, ok, I’ll be here.  “Today is the day,” she read of Juttah husband Preece Ebonee commending his daily exercise with her, with today is the day meaning on to more dangerous trials, let spending the night in a Lion’s den,  and just as soon, kidnapping a Jaguar cub, this pending sacrifice 

                      I Will Keep Your Statues, O Forsake Me Not Utterly

                                                   Scene XIII

    Hey you guys, you guys come and look at this, they’re piling into your yards, whose piling into our yard, all of them, line upon line of them, ah my God, the class, of 12, they’re all here,   

But why here you think? Leaning over her husband to be shoulder, trying to see, where cars, even car lights and it wasn’t even dark, so a tribute to those injured and lost piling onto the Coogan’s  yard.  I guess Agurus they feel safe, that this is only safe place right now, I mean that’s how I feel, yeah, me too, even my parents say it just feel safe, aunt Tiffany’s Place, well you know, ok, you As, and,  like greet them at the door and, ah, you Chels, help in the kitchen, sure, I’ll be glad too, where is Heus? Ah he’s out talking to my parents about us, you, what we’re to do about the marriage, and stuff, ah my god is that, yeah it’s Edwin, I thought all T-Kambs surrendered, let’s give him the benefit of the doubt, it was never proven, I guess we need to prepare bed, or assign sleeping quarters, let me call mom and dad, see what they say,

Heus, grabbing him along a tight hug to his neck, happy she didn’t have to greet them alone, “your mom and dad are coming, they’ll to help us with this, thank God Heus for that, what about overnight? Well those who did wed can sleep, you know,  together, and those who didn’t or, we can have a girl’s room and a boy’s room, like make a slumber party out of them, “don’t you Ash mean a Bride and Bride’s groom in waiting, party? I guess babe we could start with the pizza’s and go from there, ok, I’ll get the oven ready, so, if you don’t mine me asking, what are the Juttah Vows? We’ll Heus know more about that, as so Kars, so Heus say it’s like returning what’s Gods’ back to Him, and separating it from rebellious man, in other words, God created marriage, not man, which is why they’ve completely fail, so horribly in it.   What else do we have? To be honest there’s a lot o items in here for like  party, I see wings, even various types of dips, and suppose, Agurus, after everything that’s happen, the last thing, they want is to eat, well Chels it happen to us both and I’m famish, so I sure, they will be.  “Heus man,” actually grabbing him into a hug, Heus opening the door to those first arrival, being followed a great number, Cartlon and his girl/wife Marilyn, with a friend Jackson and his intended Lorry, with many other known and unknown, all being made welcome.  Hey you too, with a making themselves ready and tying themselves with aprons, were Ashley Myreah’s parents Corranda Bren and Dexter Leon seeming to take over, “you two  go up front and help Heus, we go this, you sure, yes, very, ok, while we have pizza in the oven, and, go, I, we know just what to do, Agurus, Dillane and Cezeanne are on their way as well, and your mom and dad said they have,  yes, I know I talked to them, so no indictor from the communicator, ahhhh, yes and no, meaning we’re yet uncertain, better go and help Heus, and you, young lady, your parents know where you are? They do thank, which Chels should be our first question to our guess, I many how many faces of the missing are right here,   attention everybody! Coming right out into a mob of young, concerning, yet upset and crying fellow student, worshippers, do your parents, your loves ones and or guardians know where you are, that you’re safe? If not that is your first priority, I know, because Kars is missing, we’re holding out for and praying for the best, but the unknowing is a little heavy on the chest if you know what I mean? Additionally, we need you guy to pair off as  husband and wife, or to those you’re intended,  ok, ok, hearing many are to grow upset, even screaming, being lead off, out, though Agurus didn’t mean this dishonor, only to help bring order, ok, we have pizza to eat and something to drink, just the dining area is down the hall to the left, please make yourself at home, pray you guys as always, we’ll always believe in miracles right, right..  Hey will you go and check on her, on Re’ah, yes of course, thanks, what do I say to her? Think of Stellan, right, you’re right, will you Agurus pray with us?    >>>You’re not making sense, my wife is in a comma, and you want me to leave her, as one flopping sadly, even emotionally along a seat, this lost, this over with grief, “how is that possible, how do I do this? You don’t know, because you’ve never experienced anything like this before, ok Cast is right, I can’t know this, you know her so little, knowing her so little, mean I have little pain, right? Ok, ok, I’m wrong, it is like I keep you here, no, this not what I do, you go, you all just go, marmar, da, want you come too, I won’t leave, I won’t leave Shu’shan, you need to eat something, can you leave just for that, her parents are here, you sure there is no plane waiting for me, then yes, funny, we’ll meet you down stairs.  You Casiphia have such a beautiful family, like you, yes, my sisters and brother, this is only four, there’s eight more, eight more,  you come from twelve siblings, yes madam, not counting the multiple cousins, and other relatives, huge, really huge, I go for lunch, do you want something? Ah no, we’re fine, just had something, ok, then I be with them if you need me, and off to the center, the father persuade me, ah Nigel convinced you? He did, good, that’s exactly what you need Shus’shan is in good prayers and thus wings and hands, smile my darling boy, have some fun, she came back once.”             

                   Wherewithal Shall A Young Man Cleanse His Way

                                                  Scene XIV

     “Stop mooning, where the heck Lam, ah, need compass? Tis the wedding  thing, freaking  me, all was, ah, fine til then, I don’t, I’m to think you crazy with Aleph, not unto marriage, too strict, you meant it? I don’t see, ah, the problem, it is good move of us, ah both, Beth is stunning mate, spend special time, stuff as that, and children? As one peering from the high rise window, everything was going on outside, to and fro traffic, people walking, talking, even texting it seem, street venders, beggars, even various birds ascending and diving, all with the slightest trigger of rain. “Well, this child you say, just not right away, plus come what may, I have stunning woman, she is to be the wife, nothing wrong Lam, nothing. So, ah, you tell Aleph, she guess? Hey the girls, I see them, ah, this is you and me right, ah, right, yes, just this talk us, ours, right, as one spinning around into seat, wanting to seem fixed, pleased, not wanting Aleph to think any curious thing, “right, and where is your sister? Leph didn’t come with me, isn’t she here? Erupting a fear that seized up in him, that she’d possibly overheard their conversation, his true feeling about getting married, ah, as one to propose laughing it all off, but dear  friend heiress rightly comprehended his concerns, particularly placed on alarmed. Hey, sweetie, as to nestled into his warm, stout breast at witnessing Lamson go after a yet to appear Aleph, a darling hug, kiss to his neck, unto that tantalizing mouth, breath, truly arousing them both, “there’s a park nearby, we could go walking, if that’s the, ah, go walking, this tease, what else in stored, heiress, maybe think?” “Well I want to go out, before we go to Cast, and all, ah, and these brothers, Gimel and Daleth, right, what they to think, you, I, married, right? Not right, what they think is not to matter, so not this advise, not even, now come on, there are all sorts of venders out let see what we like, huh?     >>>What pray, tell is this?” Having open an envelope hand him by one of Dissuasion’s advocates, ah, Ashley Michelle, but what was it all for? I’m not under, we took up a collection for you, now we know your wife is in no need of money, but you, that’s different, you took up this for me? Yes, to help with living expenses, you know, until, this is lots of money, well, it’s for a charitable cause, one of ours, one of Dissuasions, but hardly I am, we’re not Casiphia taking no for an answer, now go, and we’ll see you in two weeks for your next sitting, then I thank you Ashley, ah, Dissuasion, and you stunning man of this center is so welcome, good night and may you be blessed, thanks as so Ashley, thanks.  “Anthony just left looking for you, I told him you was at lunch, I was gladly Erica giving Casiphia his gift, ah that man is such a damn dream, as so is Anthony, for I was Ash just saying the same about him, that figures, with them both breaking into loud laughter at admitting, that even Ashley felt the same whenever she examined Dr. Edwin Hymm, Erica Lynn’s stunner husband, so as is often said,, the eye is never filled with seeing, in seeing meaning lust right? I’ll call and catch him, whom Tony or Casiphia, now you’re over stepping your boundaries, don’t you Ash mean your boundaries? Goodnight Mrs. Hymm and I mean that literally, I’m going to swing by Tiffany’s seem all the kids are gathering there, I guess I’ll grab the hubby and do that as well. This is a miracle right?” That an emotional tingle tightening in her throat, did spin new tears along her cheeks, her throat all for wiping, “for all of us Erica Lynn to have children at those various locations and not even a hair on their heads were singed, right?” Yes, Ash, swallowing hard into her own sipping to come emotions, as well searching out tissue for wiping, “to call it anything less just wouldn’t be right, anyway babe, I’ll you, there, yes, see you there, hey Ash, don’t forget, we’ll yet to learn of Tiffany’s Karsiann, her whereabouts, mostly and Erica most heartfelt, see you then, yeah, though speaking of Tiffany,” as one readying the communicator, it’d been a while she’d heard from her, even Susan, Sissy, I better call get the lastest, ok later, me too babe, me too.”     <<<{{{“Ah,” as to move off privately, were they yet visiting hospitals, not learning or finding anything good or bad, was husband Nicholas just now speaking to one of the morticians. “Yeah, hey girl, no nothing yet, I admit the not knowing is hard with like of evidence Erica acting as a Medicaid I guess you can you say, if that make sense. I think we’ll head home from here, seem the graduating twelve are all their or coming, yeah I heard, just told Ash I’m headed over there, so I guess we’ll see you there, yeah, wherever she is, holy spirits are with her, and like always, I just have to trust that, right? If I say right, Tip, it’s only to agree with you, because I can’t say I know what you’re going through, only that my praying heart is lamenting, yes Erica, that the supreme have mercy and not sacrifice, that it’s been satisfied with all this lost of life, sparing ours, see you soon, yes, babe, soon.” That was Erica, they’re as well headed to the house, yeah I just heard you say we are as well, yes Nicholas, it’s stepping out on faith from here, it has to be, I know, it’s all out of our hands, thus we have no other choice, so let’s go. So you figured the dreams yet? It’s like she’s torn between to lights, one brighter Nicholas and more proficient than the other, but they are light? Holy I mean, yes, and what could that mean, there’re two light, one here on earth, still, one reigning in heaven Nicholas until it’s fullness of time, so what you’re explain involves all mankind, not all, unbelieving man are channeled along a light and darkness pretending to be light, and unable to tell the difference, they’re most deceived by the pretend of it, so it’s more than American Pretend, thing Nicholas seen temporal, things not seen eternal, because you say, they are two lights, one evil, one good, only without divine intervention, they can’t tell the difference, how right you are, ah a hot soothing bath and something to drink, ear, I guess, you? The same, yes, so we release it all to him, that’s it’s in his hand, despite what we see, or what we’re told, we trust Him, yes, Tiffany, He knows what He’s doing, so tell me more about this African Juttah.”                    

                    By Taking Heed Thereto According To Thy Word

                                                    Scene XV         

     Tickled, as she curiously moved toward the door, hearing a slight knock thinking it was her new, sometimes worrisome, not taking no for an answer friend, a peek into the hole, ‘ah my god,” that with mouth gapping awe,  and all that was impossible, a stunning Juttah Preece Ebonee standing right there, but how, how did he even find her? “But how is this possible?” Slinging the door open to him, diving into his powerful arms, all the days and night of fasting and praying, what a miracle beyond saying. “Do I believe this?” His soothing black arms, warm life and living on her tongue, in her breath, devouring her right along, “but how?” Shaking his head, a gentle finger silencing her lips, again biting and nourishing this burning lust stirring them mightily, piping blood, a climatic wrestle and tussle from the door to the marriage bed, this was now her husband Preece, Ebonee.  “Tell me, please how is, shhhh,” yet silencing her a tossed and glorious bounce along a bed of roses, of seeing to his undressing, the erotic play with every article of clothing and she sorely enjoying and firing, such firing. “I knew they would return you to me,” sniffing and blinking back new tears, now beginning her undressing, only to twist and turn a night retire into soft, peach able, edible skin, and soon this beyond discharge of both of them, her stepping breast and his ready sword circulating and birthing forth this teaming with organisms. To come into his new wife, to have a new husband inside, this sweltering with aching intimacy,  of lark songs bellowing loud, and all around, neither of them could’ve imagined, such a phenomena being, of distributing liberation again and again. “How is this possible my husband?” Finally this rest from exploding flesh, fettering with the hairs on his head now arrest along her pillowy belly, possibly new with life and evidence of igniting blood and substance all in and over one another, and for three days of it, praying, fasting and indescribable, shattering lovemaking.     <<<”Tell me what happen, and your brother Daleth told you he can’t, but she let you in I saw, leaped right into your arms, I saw, what I shouldn’t have seen? Perhaps you’re to forget what you saw, it makes no sense,” this filled restaurant, sipping his hot cup, then as one whose to move in close, as though a secret is to be told, this fixed with caution. “I would swear Daleth, on all that is God, I was with Shushan, as soon as she open that door, and that’s 100%, I swear it,” that with his faithful stare, glassing over and spinning tears along his cheek, his nose running, throat gaging, unto clearing. “I would swear on stacked bibles, I beg thee, forget what you see, do it brother, do it for me. What, what are you telling me, what? I’m telling the one truth that happen in that room, and she, your Cinderella, will swear she was with this husband, Preece Ebonee, yet I will soon walk into the hospital and with my eyes Daleth visit a laying near dead wife, only a few hours ago was forceful in my breast, my loins, my sword, yet I forewarn,” as one standing this tall fabulous of a man, model gorgeous, and beyond attractive, tossing this stain with tears, blood and mystery napkin, “forget what you saw of it. Where is your wife Daleth? It is beyond a magical thing to be platted, disbursed, and webbed into the blood and breast of her, the wonder beyond all, wife God hath for him, good-day my brother, yeah,” as one sighing back at him, this mystery beyond them both, where is your natural wife is something brother Casiphia always asked, to remind him, marriage, unto liquidating erotically one’s love for her, them, is better than burning, lust, infidelity.     >>> I think I spoke too soon,” about what sweet heart?” As one cutting into her eggs, even readying her breakfast fruit, cereal not as yet having a clue, now engaged, soon to be married, happy about all of it. “About marriage,” what, what do you mean? You don’t want to marry me? Lamb,” seeing he’s to literally freeze with admitting, this intimidated, as though he’d being forced against his will or something, “Lamson,” as to tenderly touch his hand, getting direct attention, this man, nearing husband God hath for her, them. “Hey, talk to me, you don’t want to marry me, but I do, I do, no, you don’t, I am already married Aleth, I have a son, huh!” With the look of one breaking into a million pieces, as they’d been dating, even mating over a year. “Damn it Lamb you’re not making sense, ah, I am, you just don’t hear me, …married with a son? Something you’ve concocted Lamb to get out of marriage, right, ah my God, right?“ Intense mightily with drama, a raging heart, breath, eyes, cheeks filling with the tears of it. “No, it’s not that, I kinda wish, you mean separated, on the verge of divorce? No, no, I mean when I’m not happy with you, I’m happy with her, I’m here on a work visa, she and Timor will join, …stop it, shut up! Springing up horribly betrayed, angry even violent, hurrying to get away, “you’re sick, you know that? “If what you say is, is,” as one breaking up, down, instead spinning off, away, off to the hospital, to brother Casiphia, the only reason for being there. “ I can’t, I, please leave,” now a trembling voice from behind a connecting wall, to be honest, Aleth was just one of many women Lamson had betrayed as this, “please get your things and leave.”       


                          With My Whole Heart Have I Sought You

                                                  Scene XVI

    A touch, as to design her edible with caramel back, at waking her to him, a seat upon  his lap, these mighty, black thighs and forceful sword snaking with erotic aim inside her and soon his head, neck in spasms of lamenting,  bursting out and through of immense, togetherness.  “I can’t take this,” laying her dampen head into his, this titanic of an organism sweetly haunting and possessing them “my beloved spoke to me and what he said, wasn’t him,” shhhh, look at him” a slight nudge to her appetizing chin, unto nourish able, drinkable tears, seeing a glimmering with edging passion for her, but one she couldn’t trust. “I can’t see him, because my sweet heart you don’t believe in miracles, …my beloved spoke to me and what she said, wasn’t her,” …what,” tasting his dry, somewhat unpleasant mouth into being alert, even to rub sleep from his eyes, a finger at shaking a made numb ear, seeing sisters Aleth and Beth has arrived, brothers Daleth and Gimel, even possibly husband to be, Kishon, “ah, where is Lamb, I thought he was here, he’s on a work visa, so, little will we see him, ah, I was looking forward, and you Kishon, how are things, things are things Cast, nothing unusual, except, I’m in America, even the York of it, very exciting,  ….he says he’s married, that he has a son, Lamb that is,” bringing everyone attention her interest, still what was yet unbelievable and nearly indigestible, “I’m, ah, did you just say Lamb is married with kids? Not Gimel with kids, with a kid, a kid, one, a son, Timor, and you know this, because he told me only hours ago, why we can’t marry and all”. One of the most stunning herself, that any man would find her this treasure, to end up with such a crook, surely was heart breaking to them, “do you want us to maybe find him and break this head of him, no, no, I want to forget, stop all this crying, let us also remember to  be in prayer for him, prayer for him,  yes, Daleth, just as the word of God says, we have a bit more bad news, we can’t stay, we’ve run out of money, only have a passage home,  then this guys will come in handy,” reaching into coat pocket soon filling his hand with an envelope, seeming filled with money, what, you robbing banks now, no it was collected for me, a charity, ah at Dissuasion, ah Fashion, so you can stay longer, right? I’m going to go check on my wife, and then, lunch, I am mighty with hunger. What is wrong with him, with whom? With you, with my brother, what, what? Nothing I care to share, thus talk about, only that Casiphia isn’t such the saint of it, yeah, and look whose talking, he’s being unfaithful is all I’m saying, almost like this Lamson character, I’m to find and break his legs, braking his legs won’t help, break his head his heart so he grow another, be as Christ, that sound just like you, just like Gimel, my brother, and Daleth who else? Ahhhh, I’m just saying, Casiphia isn’t what you all think, I’ll be in the chapel, if you do, who are you and where is my brother, and why all the nonsense about Casiphia? Why don’t you, Gimel, ask him? No I ask you, the accuser of our brethren, when you all ready for lunch, you know where to find me, the chapel, it is Gimel only for those perfect, right?”             

                       O Let Me Not Wonder From Your Commandments

                                                  Scene XVII

     “Ah, what do I owe, you come out to flatter me,” for the first time was his Cinderella, come from behind the door, the room, out into the hall, sitting right alongside of him. ‘It is time that is all, ah, not to say I am spec’ial, no, no,” heart gripping, ineffable, tremendous, where the least of descriptions, and she smelled just as wondrous, as she appeared, all draped by long flowing hair, flawless, caramel, skin so eye catching, such was her figure, dumbfounding, and for some reason Daleth thought quite ridiculous, these green, minding boggling, eyes as to pierce one right through to the heart.”  Ok, ok, I have the question,” what is your name? Well, since I know yours, my name is Karsiann, Kars for short, thinking he look so much like his brother, gorgeous, but not as much as Casiphia. Now I have a question, sitting shoulder to shoulder, this fun nudge one to the other, but what was Karsiann curious, about her friend, Shushan, “how is shan, even Cast, and don’t tell him I called him Cast, I’m very proper with him, speaking of Cast, when is the last time you saw him?” Ahhh, as this dazzling one laying a finger of twinking her brain, when a curious Daleth hanging in the balance of suspicion, ah I would say about two weeks prior the bomb, I actually met he and Shan for brunch, yeah, yeah, tha sound about right, …ok you’re lying, so magnificent, but was she lying to him, they just spent the last three nights together, sne and Casiphia, or his mind was lost and he was crazy. Now my question, how is Shan? You probably need to come to the hospital and see her,” couldn’t wait to see how they would act suddenly cast into one another present, surely that would tell him, neither of them being honest, hum, I guess, I could, ah give me like this hour, ok, as one coming to his feet as surely as she, I’ll you in one hour, good, thanks Daleth, really,  >>>”be quiet everyone it’s Kars,“  you better freaking be in africa, or you’re totally without excuse, I’m not, but, but, my gracious what is all that noise? They’re here cars, the entire class of12 is here,  here’s Myrea, she’s taking the ophone,  Kars….what the hell? I know, I know, are my parents there, your parents are all over, heart broken, looking for you! Looking for me, swallowing, her breath taking at crying, I, I thought, put Heus back on the phone, I’m gonna kill him, wiping her eyes, nose, into a seat, at not believing him,  “hello what, why the hell didn’t you tell them?” Tell, what, this is Agurus, ah my go Aggie, I’m in so much trouble, Heus was supposed to tell you all, what he saw, that I married and possibly escaped to Africa, that I was alright, no, no, none of that, for all we knew, you died with the others, ah, my god, spinning tears all over and around, at the thought she’d done that to them, ok, ok, lets get this over, let me talk to mom, they’re not here, you gonna try and do this on the communicator, really Kars, really! Come home so they can see you, be with you, know the truth, I can’t come home, so I have to so this over the communicator, please Aggie explain you all talked me, and tell them I’ll call them, tomorrow noon, I’m so sorry, that was not my intent, ok, ok, calm down, where is he, where is that stinking coward of a brother, come on Kars, you can’t blame Heus, this is on you, I still believe you should get home as soon as you can, I love you babe, see you soon, I love you too.}}} Ah my god what have I done?” As one getting right into the table for Kleenexes, wiping long strands past her shoulders, behind each ear, “I’m coming,  I’m coming.” and this knocking at the door, Daleth arriving just as he promised, none of this had gone as she’d plan, regretfully she had to admit, Aggie, Agurus, as usual was right, “I need you to do something for me, come with me to my parent’s house,” and she and Heus on the verge of a fight, just as usual, pulling him right into the room, thinking as fast as he could, “even your accent will help, for all they’ll know, you’re a Juttah Sentinel, and I’ve been in Africa the last few days, excuse me,  is this a lot, and why O why? You love me don’t you, aw,” shooting this nervous uncertainty all around, knowing the answer, this love at first sight, but what,  how would he say, “yes, of course yes, at first lot breathe, do this for me and  I’ll forever be in you debt, ah, does that include marriage? Sorry, that would be the others, the most beautiful girl in the world, was brother Gimel sitting so close thinking, that he’s seen nothing quite like  her, isn’t she simply lovely? “So how are you guys liking New York so far?” We’re yet so mesmerized, in America, its Yoke city, is what we keeping saying, so you’ve been in here, in America all your life? I get that a lot, I have, born and raised, must people think I’m from some exotic island, ah, like the Bahamas, Jamaica, even Hawaii, but you are Indian, I’m afraid I’m a bit of everything, like stirred into a cup, likes see what come out,” you must of get tired of people inquiring? Like the eight or ninth wonder of the world, or Karsiann the first, so that is your name, not Cinderella after all? There’s Casiphia, I hope  nothing bad has happen, you mean worse, the bad has already happen, he could you guys just be tired.               

     Your Word Have I Hid In My Heart, That I May Not Sin Against Thee

                                             Scene XVIII

     Honey, honey we’re not angry at you,  my god is Christ we’re thanking God in ways, in ways,” as one swallowing hard, fighting back intense. burning emotions, breaking up, away, off into a glance out the patio, that stunning pond under the moonlight just beyond, “I can’t, I just can’t,” turning this miraculous situation over to Mother Tiffany Ann, showing herself a bit more resolved. “It’s just Kars honey, we don’t understand your purpose for any of this, I was making a sacrifice of myself for Preece Ebonee, god mother this witness, that’s all. Fasting, praying, as this shut in, to channel I guess you can say, his great trials, this intercession mother of myself, to ah, ah, strengthen him spiritually along this impossible mission of his, I had no, there was mal intent. Ah, when Heus saw me, ah, us, I knew he would know right away, and would tell you all and that you, well you all would know what was going on, Christ as this witness I knew this. Father please!” As one still with his back to them, periodically wiping himself, which was obvious, but had they just left the morgue. That’s with attempts at identifying a severely scared young lady that easily could’ve been her, all the way down to the toes on her feet.  How if it wasn’t for identifying marks on Karsiann person, and her mother being completely aware of them, such a close call, soon they would be having her memorial. “And after the bombings sweet heart you didn’t think, I didn’t Father, I didn’t think, all my attention, sentiment was toward him, now my Juttah husband, and I’m so sorry, I had too much faith in what Heus did see, and our connections spiritually.  You keep going on about Heus, surely honey you’re not blaming him for this? No, it’s when I called him to make sure this had gone as I planned is when I learn father, my plan failed. That I needed to get back here, I am so sorry, shhhh,” coming a loving father into her, her mother too, all three this wondrous hug one of another, these living, soothing breaths, tears and sighs of relief. “So baby whose your company? Ah some people I meet at the hotel where I was staying, I guess I wanted you to see I wasn’t along, well darling by our own faith we believed angels covered you, and guided you, whether ascended or here. Though with their accents we thought they may be like him, African Guardians sent along the journey with you, I’ll admit father, that is what I hoped you would think. Perhaps mother they look like him, Casiphia, because they’re his siblings, how did you know what I was, here you guys supporting him and a yet comatose Shushan. Well what, the bombings? No, her father, trying to stop her and Casiphia, and Shan grazed by a bullet, ah what? I know, I know, one of his body guards, what’s so strange she came out of it for days and went back into it, he is so devastated. So I been praying and fasting for her release as well, all the people, souls hurt by the bombings, I knew something happen, we took up a collect, there was this Jane doe, Nicholas, don’t, don’t, no mother I want to know. This abandon one Kars honey, with our uncertainty and crippling fearfulness, we were convinced, well, I, your brothers, ah my god! Seeing hands fly pressed over her leaking eyes, cheeks, this indescribable regret and once devastated parents both dropped on their knees, grieving with her, and for whoever this girl was. “Ah God this world,” her weeping self, head now her father’s soothing shoulder, “this world, this world, truly come Lord Jesus, hurry” she and her weeping mother simultaneously lamented. “Ah I’m Karsiann’s brother, …her twin? Ah, no, a twin, but not hers, I’m Agurus, can I get you all anything? Ah something to drink, whatever you have, excuse me but are you guys of the African Juttah? Ahhh, no, we don’t know what is this, I did  hear Casiphia say of  it, Casiphia, the one of Dissuasion, you are related? I think brother Agurus we’re not supposed to, that we perhaps, all is to ah, say too much, he’s, Daleth is to say, in kind way, you perhaps ask your sister.  Wow they’re some beautiful people, yes, but are they as well, thinking the same about us, so Daleth, what was this going on, Casiphia being this, well not trustworthy? Please, I ask loving sibling as yourself to both forget and forgive, it was mistaken,” reminded of how they both greeted one another at the hospital, it was obvious they’d  not seen one another lately, and had the most upmost respect there. “Some thing I saw, but not, heard, ah mis’ cal’ cu’ late, ah, this imagination, this hard head, a dream, of own making, so do this favor, forget it.”  So who are they? Meant to be a ruse, a subterfuge of your clever sister I’m sure of it, but possibly related to Casiphia, Casiphia, why him? Because my dear brother Heus, they mention Him, and they scurried off to defend themselves, Kars sham I assure you, but why would, they barely know her, right? I’ll say this and then leave it to your imagination Heus, three words, Kars is stunning, ah, enough, that’s four or so words but you get the messages, now help me find a tray for this,” having fixed them drinks, various snacks, sister Karsiann had disappeared behind the door leading to their parent’s bedroom of wishing they were a fly on the wall of all of it, and they had yet to see and hear from her directly.  “You Daleth, you been with this stunning person, ah this speaking to her, do you know, of this Juttah stuff? This Juttah stuff  Gimel? You know it mean, I mean, it’s most sacred, I think I know, just as the Jesus I think I know, what it is still, there is a hallowed ah nuptial, conjugal perhaps, ah serious, so sacred, I feel, not stuff, a him. We could ask him, the servant brother reappearing,” seeing a tall, model caliber as his sister, Agurus Heus, bearing refreshments toward them, perhaps they would pick at this brain as he’s had did theirs.   “Ah go honey and get you something, even hang out with your classmates, how many now dead?” Ah one hundred and seventy seven with scores and scores missing, and the rest of them mother all here, it seem, they’re Kars having a candlelight visual every night this week, and mother we should be at each of them,  thank you,” as one from the exit turning back toward them, now seeing and sensing their sweetest release, their just as amazing as themselves parents, “thank you for hearing and trusting me, we love you darling dear beyond any description, now go, they all want to see you, as so you, Mother, father, which is why Kars we’re right behind you, on your heels so to speak.”           

                      Blessed Are You Lord, Teach Me Your Statues

                                                 Scene XIX

     You did hear the part where she called him, this forbidden Preece Lord her Juttah husband, whatever that mean, it means everything to her Nicholas, sacred as her vows with Christ Himself, and for now sweetest darling we’ll leave it at that, go and spend time with our company as promised. Just as long as you know, I’m feeling completely better, is that a hint at provocative things approaching, yes, my darling dear, it is, an entire full bed, night of it, ah so immensely tempting, lets hurry the guess, What say you?  Could we, ah, brother Agurus, ask of this Juttah? I know precious little, that would be my brother Heus department, I’ll see if he’s gracious enough to come and speak with you, although to be  honest, your friend, Karsiann would be all the better, thanks for the reminder, and as well, this, you’re welcome, but I’ll yet summon brother Heus, as you would say.     >>>Why the look of one whose lost their way perhaps? I am ashamed, I’m sorry, having spent a few minutes looking for his Juttah Prenupital Chelsea Shiban, saying she was ashamed, simply blew his mind for now. I don’t understand, I have so much to be thank for, especially since the bombing and all I care about being so safe, yet my beloved discover me, so dismayed, just talk to him, explain, so be so downcast, even ashamed, what, with his sweet breath such the delicious tickled, on her ear, slaying her directly along his edible breast, having to admit, there were times she couldn’t wait to be with him, to have aching, breaking both of their horror struck inside apart, of this making of love, but she as well concern, not wanting to disappoint him, even themselves.  “What a wondrous place Agurus, and you sweetness managing to find the one spot separating us from all the others,” only because you brought me here, it’s first night, “I Chelsea Shiban Wellton, I am  not a child, I am a woman, …what, what are you doing? Tickling him, not believe this was really happening, that she could be this romantic, but proud that she had it in her, “I always imagine doing the juttah vows right here, eight now, with  you, I fully understand Agurus, the vows I’m about to make,  you sure about, I Chelsea Shiban Wellton, so take thee, Agurus Heus Coogan, to be my design by God, covenant husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, until the rest of my life, you are this love, my juttah husband, for better for worse, for richer, for pooer, in sickness and in health unto we pass with Jesus into eternity, now your juttah wife, Chelsea Shiban Wellton, sh my eyes, with new tears stinging both of their eyes, spinning along their cheeks, for so long had Agurus Heus, wanted, and prayed, even begged faithfully for this, praising God for it’s delicious  spontaneity  “ah god now it’s on me, yes, staining his hand with a kiss of her tears, astonishing him, did she now patiently await, when once finished, they would be forever this one in divine harmony. ”This is, I’m not hesitating, it’s just that Kars friends just asked me about this, about the Juttah marriage and here we are moments later performing it, well I have, ah, yes, yes, “I Agurus Heus Coogan, I’m not a child, I am a man, I.”      >>>May I sit, do you have to ask me that? No, only that I wanted to, to be polite, the class are trying  to figure do they stay, do they go, I think I could stay here forever, you, know, make my heaven on earth, there’s something about this place, we all feel it you know, yeah, don’t want to say, but yes, as one dissolved into every word of her, into simply the sound of voice, not caring what she said, all his life being totally in love and suspended into her, with Shaughnessy (Shan) Coogan,  “exactly, I’ve always felt that way but never admittedly it to anyone, too proud I guess, or Shan too vulnerable to ones emotions you think, the beautiful singing of the birds woke me, seeing a single tear spin along these edible cheeks of hers, did Erion Kalen so want to kiss, and bite her, thus casting away all such fears, heartbreak from her, again Erion, you are so right, why does it intimidate us so, without it we can’t so erotically reproduce of one of the other,” erotically she said, despite terribly coveting just the sound of her voice, this word he plainly did hear, employed to his heart. “I’m sorry you lost that with him, that you lost him, Justice, but, and I hope it’s not Shaughnessy too early to say, but that by God’s blessedness of grace you find another, another like him, no it’s not too soon, and it’s Shan, yes, but have mercy and allow me to call you Shaughnessy, I so love it, even on my tongue, yes well, named for a character, a singer, in one of Elvis Presley movies, I guess I should be thankful I wasn’t named after the king himself,” causing them both to laugh, if Shaughnessy had or was ever to admit, she too had always had this things for Erion Kalen Steele, just the mention of his name, this stimulating thing once laying dormant, so privatized within, but admittedly she could be his.  “Ah yeah I felt that, yeah, coming faster and faster I guess you can say it’s raining,”              

     With My Lips Have I Declared All Of The Judgments Of Thy Mouth

                                                 Scene XX


                  I Have Rejoiced In The Way Of Thy Testimonies

                                                  Scene XXI

                                         As Much As In All Riches

                                               Scene XXII


        I Will Mediate On Thy Precepts And Have Respect Unto Your Ways

                                             Scene XXIII

                              I Will Delight Myself In Thy Statues

                                            Scene XXIV

                                I Will Not Forget Your Word

                                            Scene XXV      

 Deal Bountifully With Thy Servant, That I May Live And Keep Your Word

                                            Scene XXVI

     Open My Eyes That I May Behold Wondrous Things Out Of Your Law

                                            Scene XXVII

      I Am A Stranger In The Earth, Hide Not Thy Commandments From Me

                                         Scene XXVIII

       My Souls Breaks For The Longing That It Has Unto Your Judgments, At All Time

                                         Scene XIX

You Have Rebuked The Proud Who Are Cursed , Which Do Err From Your Commandments

                                        Scene XXX