Sunday, November 27, 2016

Dreams, Visitations, Transformations And Allegories

Do You Know Where Your Bible Is?                      

-God Has Turn His Back, 1986, Only Jesus Is Left, Day Ninety-nine, 11/27 of the "week," prophecy 08/18, a week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25, the countdown to resurrection (ain't no sunshine when she's (The Righteous Bride, even the Church Bride that was America, gone, see here,, Apb) and Daniel's week, see Dan. 9:27, see also,

Righteously Dividing The Enemy                                       

     -Seen to be seeing a white, round, sales tag bearing the number 30, as in thirty days from November 19th, meaning December 20th, there's something about the electoral college vote, see here,
    -Seen to be seeing the word TREASURES all black and blasted, 11/17/2016, something that couldn't happen if they were as Jesus suggested, stored away in heaven, upon you bearing His Cross.
    -Seen to be seeing the words War and the number 3, now laying as on it's back, 11/17/2016, possibly represent failed forewarnings as Americans per the election, return to their deaf stage, a siege is come, US soil, regardless.

Do Be Alarmed Men Islam Is Come As Of Predicting A Hussein/Jesus Millennium 2003

     -What God/Jesus/Bride want you know, default or not, US dollar going to collapse,
What Satan/Mystery America/Apostate Church, need you to believe, Stunning! Dow hits new high of 19,000 as Trump rally continues,

Dreams, Visitations And Allegories                      

    -Swing Low, Sweet Chariot are the lyrics to a song I begin singing while in the park with park with my grands lately, it's new to me, so I know, it's a reassuring word from the Holy Spirit, see, hear more here,,GOH, (Beware, I, Apb, saw a giant enough to blank and block out the sky Crystal diamond, dove as this coming to the rescue divine catching away.

Strip Americans! Antichrist To Kill Those Now Broke, Kill All Parents By, Come Christ's Millennium

      -I heard a financial analyst, Trump supporter refer to it all as fake money, said it's been coming since the seventies, but he's given us, these questionable markets as just before the last the beginning last millennia, said that actually bank derivatives and a devastated bonds market has sunk the US dollar tail spinning the world financial markets along disastrous territories. Hence you all explaining how months before this election, I heard a voice lament and I quote, "I have a bear, (Bear, Stock Market), in 120 countries.                                                                                                                      
     -There was something else he said, which will explain why the entire country of hundreds of millions was shown to be in a slow motion exodus, as so bearing business cards for better homeless shelters. How Americans know this financial disaster is happening, that it's been happenings for decades now, hence the Trump win. Though most would rather die than admit it, that it's watching a storm, its most black, deadly and at times most lethal, yet, they labor and plan their so obvious American Nightmares all around it instead of a much needed, ESCAPE!
     Insert, Alert, Earlier Post: Meaning lately, the two beast I witness rise, 2008, one from land, one from sea, right into debates of Hussein filling stations, (Arab Oil, The World's Achilles Heel), and just an outbreak of emergencies. There was cried only a month or so past of there being a bear market  in 120 countries, possibly the single one I witness the year 2014, tearing through the pulpits, emptying the pews and threatening to finish, greatly visited churches.
     -Even so, and still years before, 2005, an alike beast ravaging and chomping at people as they sat their peace getting porches, no peace and safety). Cleverly, the only way Americans, even mankind can righteously, politically and naturally come together and have the God of Heaven Bless it, is the alter of blood reconciliation, Jesus, whereas only a broken heart, a broken and contrite spirit are acceptable sacrifices, all things else hath sin, sin hath death, sin-death is hell, Apb, see Ps. 51, Mat 5:21-23. End Insert
     -Though regardless of this epidemic of normalcy bias, in a couple weeks more or less it's over, stock crashes, credit cancelled, bank/ATM runs, violent street protest and dissension into total pandemonium, to complete anarchy even for longest on it's way, that design seizure long overdue and Trump, America's Cinderella President, magic hands and so on, though he again support him, there'll be nothing he could do, as there is a stark difference between running a multi billion company than a going broke world currency, even his wealth is rooted and grounded into ("behold I will strip their leaders and leave them as in the day of their birth", 1993).
     -Trump's win is kinda like Jesus parable of the young rich man being distracted by the building of better storehouses, (A Better America), only now opening his eyes in hell, surely as a Trump White House,  the rich man is given another chance.  Well, the last or so paragraph, the Cinderella thing, I kinda said that, so got him, got the Trump of God, Jesus yet? Just remember God will always see to it, a rich man and his money, hence the American Dream is soon parted. Thus the forewarning of Psalm 37, crying loud to the righteous, fret not thy, they shall soon be cut down as the grass and wither as the green herb, let all flesh, wicked wealth, be pound into dust, this repentant.   
     -I was awaken this morning by he roaring sound of trains, their loud, loud horns, I don't know if I've told you, although it's like a thousand times louder, ear piercing, even the waking of the dead, yeah that loud, still in a blessed, heart soothing, imaginative way, I also relate these blaring aloud of local transit to the soon to be sounded Trump of God, just all of sudden, out of no where but heaven.
     -This one trumpet I more than witness being past off to the Angel Gabriel a few years ago, how at it's last deafening call, summoning the Righteous Bride home, beware, your redeemer is here. He, Himself, watch and wait a specific nano second then when and while the whole world is at it's most distracted. Like the being possessed heart, soul and even crippled in ones blood to going on to be declared temporarily insane of awaiting the US Presidential elections. Which is why just the other night I heard a voice say, twenty-five, when it was exactly five days past the thirty day countdown of November 19, 2016.
     -That blessed awareness shared in my prophecy links just above, you see one month past this date marks what is called the Electoral College Vote, which experts say, really decides election 2016. So America, many specialist as Michael Synder has said, isn't off of it's balancing ropes just yet, don't be deceived by any of them, saw these perilous cat walks as alternate parallels to God, crash to the earth this mammoth slaying of entire families. So Trump/Clinton win is as much a Truexit/Hilexit, as PM Cameron's resignation is a Brexit, see Michael's article here,  Now in the words of Jesus, the only Worthy, the only Good Shepherd, Blessed Death, repent or perish, this heaven and earth passes away, God's Kingdom Reign is as surely as today, awake, Apb, The RAM, see also,

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